Forum Discussion

yoniphage's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago

NetBackup uninstall does not remove database

Hi. I simply want to re-install NBU 7.5(.0.0) but the uninstall instructions don't seem to tell you how to remove the database. It is possible to ping the DB so it appears to be running but maybe the 7.5 install doesn't want it at which it had been upgraded to. How can I get rid of the DB completely so a fresh install of 7.5 is successful? Thanks root@wksol11:/usr/openv/netbackup/logs/nbdb# /usr/openv/db/bin/nbdb_ping Database [NBDB] is alive and well on server [NB_wksol11]. Starting the NetBackup database server [NB_wksol11]. Creating the NetBackup database files. Verifying the running version of NBDB ... NBDB version verified. Database [NBDB] validation successful. Database [NBDB] is not available on server [NB_wksol11]. Unable to create/upgrade the NB database. Refer to the log file in /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/nbdb for more information. Rerun /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp when the problem has been resolved.

  • On Solaris NBU is removed with pkgrm. You are prompted with 'Is this a step in an upgrade?' Answering 'Y' will leave the databases. 'N' will completely remove NBU, including databases.

5 Replies

  • More info please? Why do you need to reinstall NBU? What steps/commands have you followed to uninstall NBU? Which OS on your master?
  • NBU was being unresponsive and I was unable to determine what was wrong; I work in a test environment at a partner and do not need to retain the database.  Since the original 7.5 installation worked, I thought it would be reasonable to uninstall and reinstall, but the uninstall instructions in the 7.5 Installation Guide do not mention anything about getting rid of NBDB, so it appears that since I'd upgraded to before, the SQlite DB remained but 7.5 installation may not have liked that.  Just a guess.

    But I had a vision and installed client and server update and it's working now!

    This is Solaris 11.

    Thanks.  I guess I'm OK but still wouldn't mind hearing how one can get rid of NBDB so that the installation will be as if NBU had never been on the system.

  • On Solaris NBU is removed with pkgrm. You are prompted with 'Is this a step in an upgrade?' Answering 'Y' will leave the databases. 'N' will completely remove NBU, including databases.
  • Point to note: Oracle Solaris 11 - Master server is supported from NetBackup version

    Below is the ouput of pkginfo command from master server and you have to remove all these packages. 


    # pkginfo | grep -i sym
    application SYMCnbclt                        NetBackup Client
    application SYMCnbjava                       NetBackup Java Console
    application SYMCnbjre                        NetBackup Java JRE
    application SYMCnetbp                        NetBackup and Media Manager
    application SYMCpddea                        Symantec Deduplication Agent
    application SYMCpddes                        Symantec Deduplication Service
    application VRTSpbx                          Symantec Private Branch Exchange
    Note: "Symantec Private Branch Exchange" is also used by other symantec products
  • I had removed those packages.  Don't remember the question about an upgrade but I'll watch for that next time.  Thanks!