9 years agoLevel 4
New backup design
Hi All,
I am very new to this Symantec Netbackup. I need some information that what are the key points to consider to define new backup solution in netbackup .
- Best to work with a knowledgeable Veritas reseller. That is what they do - to help customers design the best possible solution within the constraints of your budget. What you can do in the meantime is to collect all relevant info: List of servers to be backed up with OS, memory, cpu, number and type of NIC's, SAN connectivity, applications, size of data, RPO, RTO, retention requirements, etc. Network topology, backup window and existing or planned backup servers and devices are all factors that need to be considered. You can in the meantime download the Planning and Performance Tuning guide from Featured Discussions at the top of this forum page. Take time and read through this doc for guidelines.