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ichi-the-one's avatar
6 years ago

Newbie to netbackup needs help: server name not found

Hello there, I'm a newbie to netbackup. Actually we have inherited a netbackup appliance after an acquisition that my company did. We have a netbackup appliance 5420 and a VM which has the console of administration. The VM is under version 7.7.3 and the appliance is 2.7.3. When I connect to the appliance from the console and try to go to the media servers I have an error " server name not found in the netbackup configuration(254) the host is not defined in EMM". when I take a look at deamons I can see that services like nbemm, bpdbm and a bunch of others are disabled. I tried to enable them without success. I also googled my error and tried to follow the solutions which have been proposed but none of them worked for me.  

c:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>admincmd\nbemmcmd.exe -listhosts
NBEMMCMD, Version: 7.7.3
Failed to initialize EMM connection. Verify that network access to the EMM serv
er is available and that the services nbemm and pbx_exchange are running on the
EMM server. (195)
Command did not complete successfully.


Can anyone please help me out. I'm really stuck. The console is installed in Windows and the appliance is a linux system. Thank you

  • Marianne's avatar
    6 years ago

    This seems to be the problem :

    SERVER = mad-nbms-01

    Do you know what this server is en where it is? 

    This 1st entry in bp.conf says that mad-nbms-01 is the master server, and 2nd entry
    SERVER = cri-nb-01
    means that cri-nb-01 is considered a 'secondary' or media server.

    The fact that EMMSERVER is defined as cri-nb-01, says to me that the Appliance is supposed to be the master.

    Oh, and this:

    Someone must've (accidently) clicked on mad-nbms-01 name in the GUI and selected 'Make Master'. 
    This would've changed the order of SERVER entries in bp.conf.
    Master server daemons will not start.

    Change 1st SERVER entry in bp.conf on the Appliance to cri-nb-01 and stop/start NBU. 

    Server and EMM entries on the Console should NOT point to itself.
    It can have itself as secondary Server entry. 

9 Replies

    • Can the Windows console and the Appliance resolve to each other?
    • Can you restart NetBackup services?
    • Is the appliance the only NetBackup server in that NetBackup domain?

    Also, keep in mind that some services/processes are meant to be down and will only be enabled when required.

    • ichi-the-one's avatar
      Level 3

      Hello Alexis, thank you for your response.

      • Can the Windows console and the Appliance resolve to each other? ==> yes they do
      • Can you restart NetBackup services? ==> Yes I can, and when I do, nothing changes. 
      • Is the appliance the only NetBackup server in that NetBackup domain? ==> yes, it's the only netbackup server in the domain
  • ichi-the-one

    You firstly need to determine the actual NetBackup role for the VM and the Appliance.

    Is the Appliance master/media server or just media server? 
    If nbemm, bpdbm and other master server processes are not running, chances are that the Appliance is media server only.

    Is the VM maybe the master server and not only Admin Console? 
    Can you check Registry entries on the VM and tell us what you see next to 'Server' under :

    If you know how to get into command line on the Appliance, please check contents of /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf and tell us what you see at the top of the file for SERVER entries and EMMSERVER entry. 


    • ichi-the-one's avatar
      Level 3

      Hello Marianne, thank you for your time.

      I'll try to answer your questions in the best way I can. I have included a simplified schema of what we have. The netbackup appliance have the role of a media server as it is indicated in the left corner of the console.I can changed it all according to your suggestion. Our objective is to have a functionning backup plateforme for our VMware plateform.

      By the way, is there a way to check the roles of the appliance from command line?(just to be sure)

      == > services which are not running are below

      cri-nb-01 bpdbm Disabled null
      cri-nb-01 nbvault Disabled null
      cri-nb-01 NB_dbsrv Disabled null
      cri-nb-01 bmrd Disabled null
      cri-nb-01 bpinetd Disabled null
      cri-nb-01 nbevtmgr Disabled null
      cri-nb-01 bprd Disabled null
      cri-nb-01 nbstserv Disabled null
      cri-nb-01 nbkms Disabled null
      cri-nb-01 nbars Disabled null
      cri-nb-01 nbaudit Disabled null
      cri-nb-01 nbim Disabled null
      cri-nb-01 nbwmc Disabled null
      cri-nb-01 nbemm Disabled null
      cri-nb-01 nbjm Disabled null
      cri-nb-01 nbpem Disabled null
      cri-nb-01 nbrb Disabled null

      >>Is the VM maybe the master server and not only Admin Console?

        I guess that since the netbackup appliance is a media server only, then the VM should be the master server. But again, if you say the best architecture is to configure both master and media server on the appliance I can do that.

      >>Can you check Registry entries on the VM and tell us what you see next to 'Server' under :

      the registry key show the following configuration:


      >>>If you know how to get into command line on the Appliance, please check contents of /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf >>and tell us what you see at the top of the file for SERVER entries and EMMSERVER entry. 

      ***content of the bp.conf

      SERVER = mad-nbms-01
      SERVER = cri-nb-01
      SERVER = cri-nb-01.domain
      SERVER =
      SERVER = SRVCRY-sccm01.domain
      SERVER = SRVCRY-SCCM01.domain
      SERVER = mad-nbms-01.domain
      SERVER = mad-nbms-01.domain
      CLIENT_NAME = cri-nb-01
      EMMSERVER = cri-nb-01
      VXDBMS_NB_DATA = /usr/openv/db/data
      VERBOSE = 1
      JOB_PRIORITY = 0 0 90000 90000 90000 90000 85000 85000 80000 80000 80000 80000 75000 75000 70000 70000 50000 50000 45000 0 0 0 0 0
      VM_PROXY_SERVER = srvgs-omtvc.domain
      "bp.conf" [readonly] 25L, 861C


      NB: As I said in the begnning of my request: we enherited this backup solution. So there might be wrong information in the configuration files. This is why I have shared with you guy our current architecture. We're ready to embrace your suggestions if they mean that we can have at the end a functionning backup plateforme. Please don't hesitate to share your taughts with me. I'll be very happy to read them and to learn from you all.


      Thank you :)

      • Marianne's avatar
        Level 6

        This seems to be the problem :

        SERVER = mad-nbms-01

        Do you know what this server is en where it is? 

        This 1st entry in bp.conf says that mad-nbms-01 is the master server, and 2nd entry
        SERVER = cri-nb-01
        means that cri-nb-01 is considered a 'secondary' or media server.

        The fact that EMMSERVER is defined as cri-nb-01, says to me that the Appliance is supposed to be the master.

        Oh, and this:

        Someone must've (accidently) clicked on mad-nbms-01 name in the GUI and selected 'Make Master'. 
        This would've changed the order of SERVER entries in bp.conf.
        Master server daemons will not start.

        Change 1st SERVER entry in bp.conf on the Appliance to cri-nb-01 and stop/start NBU. 

        Server and EMM entries on the Console should NOT point to itself.
        It can have itself as secondary Server entry.