Forum Discussion

MauroG's avatar
Level 3
9 years ago

Opscenter database clone Fails ORA-32002

Hi all,

I was tring to clone a database to another client with Opscenter.

I successfully run pre-clonet check but when I launc the clone I got the error:


14/09/2015 23:48:01 - begin Restore
14/09/2015 23:48:01 - Info bpbrm(pid=7320) vbodstest is the host to restore to      
14/09/2015 23:48:01 - Info bpbrm(pid=7320) reading file list for client        
14/09/2015 23:48:01 - connecting
14/09/2015 23:48:01 - Info bpbrm(pid=7320) starting bptm           
14/09/2015 23:48:01 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) Restore started           
14/09/2015 23:48:01 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
14/09/2015 23:48:01 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) Waiting for the child status        
14/09/2015 23:48:02 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - Starting Oracle Recovery Manager.       
14/09/2015 23:48:02 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - Using: /opt/oracle/11.2/product/dbhome/bin/rman         
14/09/2015 23:48:02 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - Connection info: target /  nocatalog     
14/09/2015 23:48:02 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - Start of Recovery Manager input.      
14/09/2015 23:48:02 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - SET DBID=2359484838         
14/09/2015 23:48:02 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - # -----------------------------------------------------------------         
14/09/2015 23:48:02 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - # Create spfile from pfile section     
14/09/2015 23:48:02 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - # -----------------------------------------------------------------         
14/09/2015 23:48:02 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - startup force nomount;        
14/09/2015 23:48:02 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - sql "create spfile from pfile=''/opt/oracle/11.2/product/dbhome/dbs/initODS.ora''";      
14/09/2015 23:48:02 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - shutdown immediate;         
14/09/2015 23:48:02 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - End of Recovery Manager input.      
14/09/2015 23:48:02 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - Start of Recovery Manager output.      
14/09/2015 23:48:02 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Mon Sep 14 23:48:03 2015
14/09/2015 23:48:03 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - connected to target database: ODS (not mounted)    
14/09/2015 23:48:03 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - using target database control file instead of recovery catalog  
14/09/2015 23:48:07 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - Oracle instance started        
14/09/2015 23:48:08 - Error bpbrm(pid=7320) from client vbodstest: ERR - Script exited with status = 1 <the requested operation was partially successful>
14/09/2015 23:48:08 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - Total System Global Area   14965264384 bytes   
14/09/2015 23:48:08 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - Fixed Size                     2241040 bytes
14/09/2015 23:48:08 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - Variable Size               7079988720 bytes
14/09/2015 23:48:08 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - Database Buffers            7851737088 bytes
14/09/2015 23:48:08 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - Redo Buffers                  31297536 bytes
14/09/2015 23:48:08 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - sql statement: create spfile from pfile=''/opt/oracle/11.2/product/dbhome/dbs/initODS.ora''     
14/09/2015 23:48:08 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - RMAN-00571: ===========================================================         
14/09/2015 23:48:08 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============    
14/09/2015 23:48:08 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - RMAN-00571: ===========================================================         
14/09/2015 23:48:08 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - RMAN-03009: failure of sql command on default channel at 09/14/2015 23:48:09
14/09/2015 23:48:08 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - RMAN-11003: failure during parse/execution of SQL statement: create spfile from pfile='/opt/oracle/11.2/product/dbhome/dbs/initODS.ora'
14/09/2015 23:48:08 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - ORA-32002: cannot create SPFILE already being used by the instance
14/09/2015 23:48:08 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - Recovery Manager complete.        
14/09/2015 23:48:08 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - End of Recovery Manager output.      
14/09/2015 23:48:08 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - End Oracle Recovery Manager.       
14/09/2015 23:48:08 - Error bpbrm(pid=7320) from client vbodstest: ERR - bphdb exit status = 5: the restore failed to recover the requested files
14/09/2015 23:48:08 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) done. status: 5          
14/09/2015 23:48:08 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) done. status: 5: the restore failed to recover the requested files  
14/09/2015 23:48:08 - Error bpbrm(pid=7320) client restore EXIT STATUS 5: the restore failed to recover the requested files
14/09/2015 23:48:09 - end Restore; elapsed time: 0:00:08


Could You help me?

4 Replies

  • You will need logs on destination client to troubleshoot...

    dbclient log for starters...
    (Remember 777 permissions)

  • I am not a dba too I was tring too.

    I was just wondering if a "profane" like me could take some advantage using the clone datatbase function to restore a db without dba intervention.

    It looks that netbackup write the file as soon as the restore starts. Then it got something wrong.

    When the restore ends with error 5 I found all the db processes UP and the file mentioned restored.

  • Hello,

    Delete file initODS.ora and make clone database again.


  • I am not an Oracle db, but I see this error : RMAN-11003: failure during parse/execution of SQL statement: create spfile from pfile='/opt/oracle/11.2/product/dbhome/dbs/initODS.ora' 14/09/2015 23:48:08 - Info bphdb(pid=12090) INF - ORA-32002: cannot create SPFILE already being used by the instance Get your dba to investigate perhaps?