Forum Discussion

Kris87's avatar
Level 3
9 years ago

Oracle Backu Failure

Hello All,

Good Day!

We have been trying to configure backups for Oracle through OIP in our Netbackup 7.6.02 software on RHEL OS. We were able to successfully register an instance with Hostname, Home Path, Instance name, OS and DB credentials. 

We configured 2 schedules. One for Full and another for redo logs. Redo log backups are successful why FULL backup is failing with below error.


02/15/2016 05:04:32 - Info bphdb (pid=14668) INF - RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

02/15/2016 05:04:32 - Info bphdb (pid=14668) INF - RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============

02/15/2016 05:04:32 - Info bphdb (pid=14668) INF - RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

02/15/2016 05:04:32 - Info bphdb (pid=14668) INF - RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on ch00 channel at 02/15/2016 05:04:32

02/15/2016 05:04:32 - Info bphdb (pid=14668) INF - ORA-19676: one or more files failed during proxy backup or restore

02/15/2016 05:04:32 - Info bphdb (pid=14668) INF - ORA-19673: error during proxy copy of file /u201/oradata/PASXDEVU/data/users01.dbf

02/15/2016 05:04:32 - Info bphdb (pid=14668) INF - ORA-19511: Error received from media manager layer, error text:

02/15/2016 05:04:32 - Info bphdb (pid=14668) INF -    VxBSAGetNextFileListObject: Failed with error:

02/15/2016 05:04:32 - Info bphdb (pid=14668) INF -    All backup jobs have failed.


Backup starts, initiates one parent and 2 child jobs and fails within 10seconds with above error. We verified that OS account has sudo permissions. we created a new account with sysdba permission and create session access in DB. Any inputs??

  • Sorry for the late reply.. Credentials were fine, i was able to CONNECT TARGET instance with the credentials successfully. Created a script and ran a backup, it completed successfully. We are continuing with script method for now as OIP is giving issues even if we enter the same details.

    One mismatch i did notice in OIP is, Even if i mention the hostname in CAPS, it automatically saves it in lowercase. In our environment, client names starts with CAPS. It could be the issue or may be something else too. Symantec suggested to proceed with script method.

  • Which user account would Oracle dba use for rman backup on the client? This is the credentials that must added.
  • Sorry for the late reply.. Credentials were fine, i was able to CONNECT TARGET instance with the credentials successfully. Created a script and ran a backup, it completed successfully. We are continuing with script method for now as OIP is giving issues even if we enter the same details.

    One mismatch i did notice in OIP is, Even if i mention the hostname in CAPS, it automatically saves it in lowercase. In our environment, client names starts with CAPS. It could be the issue or may be something else too. Symantec suggested to proceed with script method.

    • chenxuan's avatar
      Level 1

      It may also be related to the nfs file system used by oracle