Forum Discussion

Nick_Morris's avatar
10 years ago

Oracle Client Connectivity Requirements


Just a quick question really. Does an Oracle RMAN script backup using Netbackup Client require connectivity to the master server from the client? Or will just the media server suffice? I'm suspecting it will require both, but just wondering if there's a way around it so only connectivity to the media server is fine. I know normal standard/windows backups work ok like that, but from testing it doesn't appear Oracle RMAN script backups are the same, which is a pain as more firewall rules will be required and network cabling installed. This is for a secure client, so simplifying things would be great if possible :)



  • Yes it does.

    1. Client request backup to master
    2. Master send notification to media server
    3. Media server connect to client
    4. Client send data to media server (same session)
    5. Media server updates master with meta data

    Please take a look at the Netbackup Oracle Intelligent Polices for Oracle. I is much more elegant than script based backups.

4 Replies

  • Any Agent based backup on client required communication to master

  • Netbackup 7.5 for Oracle 11g on linux

  • Yes it does.

    1. Client request backup to master
    2. Master send notification to media server
    3. Media server connect to client
    4. Client send data to media server (same session)
    5. Media server updates master with meta data

    Please take a look at the Netbackup Oracle Intelligent Polices for Oracle. I is much more elegant than script based backups.

  • Cheers guys. Kind of what I was expecting would be the case. Just wishing there was a way around it.

    Oracle Intelligent Policies was a consideration, however we will have a RAC cluster and thus not recommended according to documentation.