Oracle Intelligent Backup in Windows Cluster
So I got NBU env., 1 master server and 4 media servers all windows standard 2008 R2.
- I have to backup oracle dbs, but this is a cluster set-up with 2 nodes, and I had set-up the policy with Instanges group, when I addded the credentials and hit discover instances, i found those 2 servers and register both DBs. So the policy is set-up with Instances Group and as selection with Whole_database.
But in this situation, when the backup starts, of course it starts on both servers which is not ok.
One is passive one its active so it cannot back up them in the same time, actually it will never backup them in the same time, it will always be the passive node backup.
- Then I set-up 2 policies and I register those dbs sepparatelly
But in this sittuation it`s still not correct, because I do not know how to set-up policy time-frame and I have no ideea when and which node is passive.
What is the perfect cfg for backup oracle in a windows cluster?
Can you explain your comment xao: the "oip backup cannot handle cluster oracle". Because it works perfectly where I am , but then I'm Solaris + oracle cluster. I'm interested to get to the bottom of this...maybe its windows cluster that is the issue.Thanks, Jim.
It doesn't support RAC. Normal cluster shouldn't have an issue.