Forum Discussion

technimdaxviii's avatar
9 years ago

Oracle Intelligent Policies (OIP)

If netbackup is using this policy to perform oracle database backup, what type of backup should I expect? 

From the GUI of the netbackup(NetBackup Management > Policies > "DB Policy" > "Backup Selections" tab) it shows "WHOLE_DATABASE". While on the "Instances" tab, host and ORACLE_HOME were just provided.

We're using

  • Tousif's avatar
    8 years ago



    No problem,

    Kindly check the oracle rman configuration by using below command.

    Connect to rman prompt

    RMAN> show all

    If we select "CONTROLLFILE AUTOBACKUP ON" in rman configuration.

    It will take controlfile backup after save any changes in controlfile. It also take control file backup after successful backup from any third party vendor.

    I believe that, list backup output you shared earlier also belong to autobackup. Because in oracle catalog terminology use F = Full.

    Command / output reference attached. :)






    The NBU Master server registers the instances available in environment automatic or we can do manually.

    The WHOLE_DATABASE option backup complete database (database file, Archive Log and Control file) of that instance. The instance gets register with below information.

    Instance Name: SID

    HOST: Client Name

    Oracle_HOME: home directory of oracle user for that instance.

    Credential: The user authentication by NBU to connect and access the database.

    We need to provide instance name, host name, home path  and credential (OS/Oracle) to register that instance. 

    The instance should register successfully before configure the policy using OIP.

    what type of backup should I expect? 

    The OIP is nothing but run time template to take backup of database. So If we are using OIP it mean taking oracle database online backup using template.


    Thanks & Regards,

    • technimdaxviii's avatar
      Level 5

      Hi Tousif,


      Thank you for your response.

      Yeah, I'm seeing we have the backup for these three database file, archive and control file. But checking my backup summary, I have two different database file backup, L0 (level0) and F (Full). Is it a duplicate?

      • Tousif's avatar
        Level 6


        I have two different database file backup, L0 (level0) and F (Full). Is it a duplicate?

        The Level 0 and F both is full backup. If you configured the duplication or run manually then only it will show you the two copies under same backup id.

        Example command: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpimagelist –backupid <backupid> -L

        To check the backup images are full or incr, use the below command against client.

        Example command: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpimagelist –client <client_name> -U

         The default rman backup script snippet mentioned below for more information.

        # Schedule type is BACKUP_TYPE is
        # ---------------- --------------
        # Automatic Full INCREMENTAL LEVEL=0
        # Automatic Differential Incremental INCREMENTAL LEVEL=1
        # Automatic Cumulative Incremental INCREMENTAL LEVEL=1 CUMULATIVE

        If we select the ‘Full Backup’ schedule in backup policy configuration. It will consider as level=0 backup and execute the script parameter for full backup. The same way work for OIP (template) also.

        If we configured the incremental schedule in policy and run the backup then it will consider the backup level=1 backup and execute the script parameter for incremental backup. The same way work for OIP (template) also.

        Please refer the below article for more information about NBU for oracle terminology

        From your current question we are not able to understand about your expectation. There are different possible answers on your current query.

        If you not get your answer from above explanation then please share the command output your are getting for L0 and F.


        Thanks & Regards,

        Tousif Naik