Forum Discussion

mubarack_s's avatar
Level 6
14 years ago

Problem with particular cartridge


   I have assigned a catriage in the scratch pool. But that volume has not moved to the volume pool while the catriages becomes full and Backup failed.

Then assigned that particular catriage to newly  created volume pool.

But backups were taken new catriage from a scratch pool.

There is some probelm with particular catriage.

How could I know what could be the error with thatcatriage.


******** Title edited by Marianne vd Berg **********

  • "Also, doubtful but not beyond the realms of possibilty, it could have been accidentally expired (that's physical expiry not data expiry)."

    it appears that you volume HAS expired:

    "Volume Expiration:              01/29/2010 17:52"

    you will need to un-expire it before it can be used.

    Easiest way will be thru' the GUI: right-click media, change, volume expiration (or something like that!) - remember this expiration if NOT related to data expiration, it is more like a sell-by date i.e. the date after which the physical tape will not be used for backups.

9 Replies

  • bpmedialist -m "MEDIAID"   >> bpmedialist -m 000001


    You might find that this tape is FROZEN or maybe SUSPENDED.


    Frozen would be due to the fact that the media had some write or read errors.


    If you wish to unfreeze such a media, you can run


    bpmedia -unfreeze -m "MEDIAID"

  • You may also like to check to see if it's the correct media type e.g. HCART, HCART3 etc

    Also, doubtful but not beyond the realms of possibilty, it could have been accidentally expired (that's physical expiry not data expiry).

  • Please also post output of

    nbemmcmd -listmedia -mediaid <media-id>

  • Hi,

          Please find the commands output below. Do I need to run bpexpiry on this media bpexpdate.



    -bash-3.00# bpmedialist -m PL1029
    requested media id is not assigned to this host in the EMM database

    -bash-3.00# nbemmcmd -listmedia -mediaid PL1029
    NBEMMCMD, Version:6.5.6
    Media GUID:                     c5c9535a-983b-11de-8000-cdfee67e8800
    Media ID:                       PL1029
    Partner:                        -
    Media Type:                     HCART
    Volume Group:                   000_00000_TLD
    Application:                    Netbackup
    Media Flags:                    1
    Description:                    Web Servers Backup
    Barcode:                        PL1029
    Partner Barcode:                --------
    Last Write Host:                NONE
    Created:                        09/02/2009 19:42
    Time Assigned:                  -
    First Mount:                    12/09/2009 13:06
    Last Mount:                     12/31/2009 18:10
    Volume Expiration:              01/29/2010 17:52
    Data Expiration:                -
    Last Written:                   12/31/2009 18:14
    Last Read:                      -
    Robot Type:                     TLD
    Robot Control Host:             SS93VPBK01-01
    Robot Number:                   0
    Slot:                           90
    Side/Face:                      -
    Cleanings Remaining:            -
    Number of Mounts:               4
    Maximum Mounts Allowed:         0
    Media Status:                   ACTIVE
    Kilobytes:                      0
    Images:                         0
    Valid Images:                   0
    Retention Period:               -
    Number of Restores:             0
    Optical Header Size Bytes:      0
    Optical Sector Size Bytes:      0
    Optical Partition Size Bytes:   0
    Last Header Offset:             0
    Adamm Guid:                     00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Rsm Guid:                       00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Origin Host:                    NONE
    Master Host:                    SS93VPBK01-01
    Server Group:
    Upgrade Conflicts Flag:
    Pool Number:                    1
    Volume Pool:                    NetBackup
    Previous Pool Name:             -
    Vault Flags:                    -
    Vault Container:                -
    Vault Name:                     -
    Vault Slot:                     -
    Session ID:                     -
    Date Vaulted:                   -
    Return Date:                    -
    Command completed successfully.

    -bash-3.00# bpmedia -unfreeze -m PL1029
    requested media id is not assigned to this host in the EMM database

  • Hi,


    From the output your tape is in the NetBackup pool, and not scratch. Is this the case for all media that is not being used.


    Is your scratch pool configure correctly? Please post the content of INSTALL_PATH\Veritas\Volmgr\vm.conf


    Also, it might be that the media is not being put in the scrath pool after inventory. Hence netbackup cannot use them.

  • "Also, doubtful but not beyond the realms of possibilty, it could have been accidentally expired (that's physical expiry not data expiry)."

    it appears that you volume HAS expired:

    "Volume Expiration:              01/29/2010 17:52"

    you will need to un-expire it before it can be used.

    Easiest way will be thru' the GUI: right-click media, change, volume expiration (or something like that!) - remember this expiration if NOT related to data expiration, it is more like a sell-by date i.e. the date after which the physical tape will not be used for backups.

  • Andy is 100% correct. Users often don't understand the difference between volume expiration and data expiration. Volume expiration is done by the backup administrator when the media is faulty or too old to be reliable. I have seen where users expire the volume thinking that it is the same as data expiration.

    You can see the following in the output:

    Volume Expiration:              01/29/2010 17:52
    Data Expiration:                -




  • -bash-3.00# bpmedia -unfreeze -m PL1029

    requested media id is not assigned to this host in the EMM database


    As the result shows media is not a part of EMM database

  • Zahid,


    The media IS in the EMM, you'll note that from the output of nbemmcmd -listmedia -mediaid PL1029 listed above.


    You'll also note that Andy and Marianne have already told us what the issue was.