Forum Discussion

Amaan's avatar
Level 6
13 years ago

PureDisk performance issue

Hi everyone, I am working on the performance issue of the duplciation jobs from PD. I found in the following TN command which will test read and write test:
  • Amaan's avatar
    13 years ago

    I have reviewed lots of staff regarding this and your comments helped alot on this. as the question was about the PD performance issue and if the command syntax is correct, I cannot mark anybodies post as solution as they have been just guidence not an answer. i cannot mark current post as solution as well, but it has some more info which could help others.

    I am going to share this to guide anybody else who will face with same issue or similar issue

    I worked with Symantec on this and we have done following to test performance issue of the PD:

    1. Media server performance (available memory, CPU and etc..);
    2. Media server NIC througput (Network performance); - just did some monitoring on the media server to check if we have enough throuput on media server NIC.
    3. PDOS performance; - this has been checked by Symantec engineer. but wrote it down for future purposes. here is how to check it:

    In the /Storage/log/spoold/storaged.log find two entries.

    1.  November 05 11:54:08 INFO [1077967168]: Synchronization for transaction   log /Storage/queue/sorted-494123-495860.tlog started, 936016 transactions pending..

    2. November 05 13:09:03 INFO [1077967168]: Time required to build index on objects2 table: xxxxxx.xxxxx

    3.  Subtract the time example  13:09:02 - 11:54:08 = 75 (minutes in my example)

    4.  Divide the number of transactions by the number of minutes
         936016 / 75 = 12480.2133 transactions per minute
    My transactions per minute is:
       13:26:11 - 10:10:24 = 196minutes
       34193021 / 196 = 174454.1887 transactions per minute

    Anything above 100,000 transactions per minute is good.

           4. PD disk performance; will be checked in two ways. by running dd command or by camel tool. you can find more details here:

          Issue with our PD was on disk performance and NIC. NIC on media server was highly utilised and PD disk performance is ~60MB, recommanded is to be more than 150MB.

    And whoever have NBU ver and more has to do some tuning as well as mentioned in Mariannes post: NetBackup rehydration improvements

    Thanks everyone for your answers!