Forum Discussion

Harry_NBAD's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

Raw backup taking too much time to complete


We have the following configuration in our netbackup enviroment:


eux390{root}# bpgetconfig -s eux390 -L|egrep 'Platform|Protocol|Version|Release'
NetBackup Client Platform = HP-UX-IA64, HP-UX11.31
NetBackup Client Protocol Level =
Version Name = 7.5
Version Number = 750000
Client OS/Release = HP-UX B.11.31 


eux290{root}# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpgetconfig -s eux380 -L|egrep 'Platform|Protocol|Version|Release'
NetBackup Client Platform = HP-UX-IA64, HP-UX11.31
NetBackup Client Protocol Level = 7.0.0
Version Name = 7.0
Version Number = 700000
Client OS/Release = HP-UX B.11.31 

We are taking raw backups for the clients but particularly the backup of the above mentioned client takes long to complete or I should say it doesn't get complete even the next backup job starts. I have mentioned the policy of the client below:

eux390{root}# bppllist bck_raw_vg380_gpx -L

Policy Name:       bck_raw_vg380_gpx
Options:           0x0
template:          FALSE
audit_reason:         ?
Names:             (none)
Policy Type:       Standard (0)
Active:            yes
Effective date:    08/04/2009 11:43:32
Client Compress:   no
Follow NFS Mnts:   no
Cross Mnt Points:  no
Collect TIR info:      yes, with move detection
Block Incremental: no
Mult. Data Stream: yes
Perform Snapshot Backup:   no
Snapshot Method:           (none)
Snapshot Method Arguments: (none)
Perform Offhost Backup:    no
Backup Copy:               0
Use Data Mover:            no
Data Mover Type:           -1
Use Alternate Client:      no
Alternate Client Name:     (none)
Use Virtual Machine:      0
Hyper-V Server Name:     (none)
Enable Instant Recovery:   no
Policy Priority:   200
Max Jobs/Policy:   Unlimited
Disaster Recovery: 0
Collect BMR Info:  yes
Keyword:           vg380 eux380
Data Classification:       -
Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:    no
Client Encrypt:    no
Checkpoint:        no
Residence:         eux390-hcart-robot-tld-0
Volume Pool:       HPUX_RETENTION_1W
Server Group:      *ANY*
Granular Restore Info:  no
Exchange Source attributes:              no
Exchange 2010 Preferred Server: (none defined)
Application Discovery:      no
Discovery Lifetime:      0 seconds
ASC Application and attributes: (none defined)
Generation:      188
Ignore Client Direct:  no
Enable Metadata Indexing:  no
Index server name:  NULL
Use Accelerator:  no
Client/HW/OS/Pri/DMI: HP9000-800 HP-UX11.11 0 0 0 0 ?
Include:           NEW_STREAM
Include:           /dev/rdisk/disk1252
Include:           /dev/rdisk/disk1586
Include:           /dev/rdisk/disk1207
Include:           /dev/rdisk/disk1323
Include:           /dev/rdisk/disk1311
Include:           /dev/rdisk/disk1587
Include:           NEW_STREAM
Include:           /dev/rdisk/disk1208
Include:           /dev/rdisk/disk1332
Include:           /dev/rdisk/disk1322
Include:           /dev/rdisk/disk1682
Include:           /dev/rdisk/disk1209
Include:           /dev/rdisk/disk1384
Include:           NEW_STREAM
Include:           /dev/rdisk/disk1226
Include:           /dev/rdisk/disk2447
Include:           /dev/rdisk/disk2448
Include:           /dev/rdisk/disk2459
Include:           /dev/rdisk/disk2460
Include:           /dev/rdisk/disk2857
Include:           NEW_STREAM
Include:           /dev/rdisk/disk2868
Schedule:              monthly
  Type:                FULL (0)
  Frequency:           28 day(s) (2419200 seconds)
  Maximum MPX:         3
  Synthetic:           0
  Checksum Change Detection: 0
  PFI Recovery:        0
  Retention Level:     5 (3 months)
  u-wind/o/d:          0 0
  Incr Type:           DELTA (0)
  Alt Read Host:       (none defined)
  Max Frag Size:       0 MB
  Number Copies:       1
  Fail on Error:       0
  Residence:           eux390-hcart-robot-tld-0
  Volume Pool:         HPUX_RETENTION_3M
  Server Group:        (same as specified for policy)
  Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:         0
  Schedule indexing:     0
  Daily Windows:
   Day         Open       Close       W-Open     W-Close
   Sunday      000:00:00  000:00:00
   Monday      000:00:00  000:00:00
   Tuesday     000:00:00  000:00:00
   Wednesday   000:00:00  000:00:00
   Thursday    000:00:00  000:00:00
   Friday      000:00:00  000:00:00
   Saturday    000:00:00  000:00:00
Schedule:              weekly
  Type:                FULL (0)
  Frequency:           7 day(s) (604800 seconds)
  Maximum MPX:         3
  Synthetic:           0
  Checksum Change Detection: 0
  PFI Recovery:        0
  Retention Level:     3 (1 month)
  u-wind/o/d:          0 0
  Incr Type:           DELTA (0)
  Alt Read Host:       (none defined)
  Max Frag Size:       0 MB
  Number Copies:       1
  Fail on Error:       0
  Residence:           eux390-hcart-robot-tld-0
  Volume Pool:         HPUX_RETENTION_1M
  Server Group:        (same as specified for policy)
  Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:         0
  Schedule indexing:     0
  Daily Windows:
   Day         Open       Close       W-Open     W-Close
   Sunday      000:00:00  000:00:00
   Monday      000:00:00  000:00:00
   Tuesday     000:00:00  000:00:00
   Wednesday   000:00:00  000:00:00
   Thursday    000:00:00  000:00:00
   Friday      000:00:00  000:00:00
   Saturday    000:00:00  000:00:00
Schedule:              daily
  Type:                FULL (0)
  Frequency:           1 day(s) (86400 seconds)
  Maximum MPX:         3
  Synthetic:           0
  Checksum Change Detection: 0
  PFI Recovery:        0
  Retention Level:     0 (1 week)
  u-wind/o/d:          0 0
  Incr Type:           DELTA (0)
  Alt Read Host:       (none defined)
  Max Frag Size:       0 MB
  Number Copies:       1
  Fail on Error:       0
  Residence:           eux390-hcart-robot-tld-0
  Volume Pool:         (same as policy volume pool)
  Server Group:        (same as specified for policy)
  Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:         0
  Schedule indexing:     0
  Daily Windows:
   Day         Open       Close       W-Open     W-Close
   Sunday      000:00:00  000:00:00
   Monday      000:00:00  000:00:00
   Tuesday     000:00:00  000:00:00
   Wednesday   000:00:00  000:00:00
   Thursday    000:00:00  000:00:00
   Friday      000:00:00  000:00:00
   Saturday    000:00:00  000:00:00

Let me know what all can be done!


  • Marianne - how did you got a clue on BCV's ?

    As this is a normal file system backup I still don't understand how this work specifying the raw devices.

    Testing the raw read speed can be done by:

    time dd if=/dev/rdsk/c33t0d5 bs=256k of=/dev/null count=10000


    10000+0 records in
    10000+0 records out

    real       18.2
    user        0.0
    sys         0.1

    #  echo "256*10000/18" | bc

    142222 KB/sec

    On the media server please tell if NUMBER_DATA_BUFFERS & SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS files are located in /usr/openv/netbackup/db/config 


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