Forum Discussion

Eric_5279's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Receiving error156 "Snapshot error encountered" for servers that are not VMs

Good Morning,

A few days ago I started to receive a 156 "Snapshot error encountered" error for 2 servers. The only thing is... these servers are not virtual machines. They are physical servers doing standard file level backups. This has me a little stumped. We are running version 7601 on the master and either or on the clients.  One client runs windows 2003 server and the other runs 2008 server.  I have not been able to find much ( anything ) about this happening and how to go about fixing it.  The clients were backing up with no issues since they were first added to the backup rotation almost a year ago


Here is the job report for one of the policies ( I did not provide both as the error is the same, just the file that is failing to be read is different ):

07/02/2014 00:08:00 - begin writing

07/02/2014 00:08:26 - Error bpbrm (pid=48655) from client (Client Name Removed): ERR - failure reading file: E:\Program Files\Veritas\Patch\NB_76_0_2_H\bpVMreq.exe108 (WIN32 2: The system cannot find the file specified. )

07/02/2014 00:08:26 - Error bpbrm (pid=48655) from client (Client Name Removed): ERR - Snapshot Error while reading file: GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy268\Program Files\Veritas\Patch\NB_76_0_2_H\bpVMreq.exe108

07/02/2014 00:08:27 - Critical bpbrm (pid=48655) from client (Client Name Removed): FTL - Backup operation aborted!

07/02/2014 00:08:27 - Error bptm (pid=48727) system call failed - Connection reset by peer (at child.c.1306)

07/02/2014 00:08:27 - Error bptm (pid=48727) unable to perform read from client socket, connection may have been broken

07/02/2014 00:08:27 - Error bptm (pid=48693) media manager terminated by parent process

07/02/2014 00:08:29 - Error bpbrm (pid=48655) could not send server status message

07/02/2014 00:08:30 - Info bpbkar (pid=7696) done. status: 156: snapshot error encountered

07/02/2014 00:08:30 - end writing; write time: 0:00:30 snapshot error encountered  (156)

Help is greatly appreciated.



  • 07/02/2014 00:08:26 - Error bpbrm (pid=48655) from client (Client Name Removed): ERR - failure reading file: E:\Program Files\Veritas\Patch\NB_76_0_2_H\bpVMreq.exe108 (WIN32 2: The system cannot find the file specified. )

    07/02/2014 00:08:26 - Error bpbrm (pid=48655) from client (Client Name Removed): ERR - Snapshot Error while reading file: GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy268\Program Files\Veritas\Patch\NB_76_0_2_H\bpVMreq.exe108


    156 in Windows client is very common error...


    you can definalty exclude Installpath/Program Files\Veritas\ from the Netbackup.

    if you still see the failurs..please go through the below T/N


2 Replies

  • 07/02/2014 00:08:26 - Error bpbrm (pid=48655) from client (Client Name Removed): ERR - failure reading file: E:\Program Files\Veritas\Patch\NB_76_0_2_H\bpVMreq.exe108 (WIN32 2: The system cannot find the file specified. )

    07/02/2014 00:08:26 - Error bpbrm (pid=48655) from client (Client Name Removed): ERR - Snapshot Error while reading file: GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy268\Program Files\Veritas\Patch\NB_76_0_2_H\bpVMreq.exe108


    156 in Windows client is very common error...


    you can definalty exclude Installpath/Program Files\Veritas\ from the Netbackup.

    if you still see the failurs..please go through the below T/N


  • Nagalla,

    Good Morning. 

    Thank you for your help.  Excluding that directory resolved the issue. 

    Much Appreciated.
