Forum Discussion

redbeardmn's avatar
Level 2
10 years ago

RedHat vs. Netbackup version compatibility question.

I have a question about version compatibility. I can't tell you the NBU version at this time. We are running NBU on RedHat 5.2. Generally speaking will a version of NBU that is running on RHEL 5.2 be fine when we upgrade to RHEL 5.11? I there a NBU version below which it will not run on RHEL5.11?

Thanks, for you response

  • Presume it is x86

    NBU 7.0 is the minimum level that will run.

    Compatability guide doesn;t mention . release, so 5.11 will be fine.

    The x86 RH5 there is a limitation if using BMR


    BMR Client/Boot Server support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 begins with NetBackup 7.0. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 GA through Update 7 are supported. Update

    8 and Update 9 are supported and require NetBackup or later. Update 10 are supported and requires NetBackup or later.
    There is no mention of RH 5.11   - so it's probably not been tested, and therefore is technically unsupported, but may still work.

4 Replies

  • Presume it is x86

    NBU 7.0 is the minimum level that will run.

    Compatability guide doesn;t mention . release, so 5.11 will be fine.

    The x86 RH5 there is a limitation if using BMR


    BMR Client/Boot Server support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 begins with NetBackup 7.0. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 GA through Update 7 are supported. Update

    8 and Update 9 are supported and require NetBackup or later. Update 10 are supported and requires NetBackup or later.
    There is no mention of RH 5.11   - so it's probably not been tested, and therefore is technically unsupported, but may still work.
  • You need to describe what level of support you are looking to have or need. I am also curious about your lack of knowledge of the currently installed NBU version.

    The lowest version that must be in place is NBU 7.0. Only a 64 bit OS is supported. If you are talking 32 bit OS releases, that would be a NBU 6.5 version of some kind and that is out of support life.  The upgrade from 5.2 to 5.11 should not be a problem for normal NBU functions.  The OS compatibility list (OSCL) states in the section RHEL Client (page 41):

    NetBackup is supported on all editions (Advanced, Base, DC, etc.) and on all vendor GA updates (n.1, n.2, etc.) or service packs (SP1, SP2, etc.) unless stated otherwise in the tables below.

    Support as a BMR Boot Server or client appears to be out of the question. This is pointed out in note 6 which states:

    6. BMR Client/Boot Server support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 begins with NetBackup 7.0. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 GA through Update 7 are supported. Update 8 and Update 9 are supported and require NetBackup or later. Update 10 are supported and requires NetBackup or later.

    So, inquiring minds want to know - what is the current NBU version of the RHEL 5.2 client?  That would be found in the file "/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/version".

  • Martin and Jamie, thank you both for you considered responses. Jamie suffice it to say that I'm not allowed to boot the server at this time to check the version and being the 4th or 5th in line to support this particular server I don't have excellent documentation. Version 6.5 seems to ring a bell though. I think we will be in need of a version upgrade when we start the server again. Again, Thank you David
  • No need to boot a server to see OS version.

    Check contents of  /etc/redhat-release:

    cat /etc/redhat-release