Forum Discussion

Mux's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

Renaming Netbackup Master server and 5230 appliance (media server)

Hi guys,


i have a backup environment with

1. Master Server:

OS: RHEL 6.6

NBU version: 7.6.1

2. Media Server:

NBU 5230 appliance

Version: 2.6.1


This is a newly build environment with no backup images (production). Only some test images are there.


My problem is that, i need to change the hostname of both the Master server and the media server.

one option is to rebuild the whole thing from scratch but i dont want to do it again as this environment is almost ready for production and most probably, it has to go to production by end of next week.

i know that changing a master server name is a  job of Symatec authorized consultant. But in my case, there is no catalog/backup images to work with.


Can anyone help?



  • Only consulting can do it.  It's to do with internal structures deep inside the Sybase ASA database.

    Your only options are:

    1) Get consulting in to do it.

    2) Re-image, and re-configure.

7 Replies

  • Only consulting can do it.  It's to do with internal structures deep inside the Sybase ASA database.

    Your only options are:

    1) Get consulting in to do it.

    2) Re-image, and re-configure.

  • Is it the host name or domain name ?

    If its the domain name you MAY get away with it if you are using "short" host names.

    Do a "nbemmcmd -listhosts -verbose'"

    For illustration:

            MachineName = "ural" <-- Host using short name
            FQName = ""
            MachineDescription = ""
            MachineNbuType = server (6)

  • Nic, it is not the domain name.


    I am trying to change the hostname...:(

  • What are you trying to salvage? If it just the policies you can TAR them and (/usr/openv/netbackup/db/class directory) then put them back in the same directory when the machine is reloaded. Other than that the rest of the config is kept in the DB.

  • I agree with sdo. 2 options only: 1) Rebuild, re-image, start from scratch. 2) Get a consulting partner to change hostnames.
  • You are out of luck then :-(

    Re-image and accept the cruel truth :-D

  • Thanks guys...

    i think i will rebuild the environment...which seems to be the best option for me..