Forum Discussion

wannawin's avatar
Level 6
12 years ago

requested media id is not assigned to this host in the EMM database

Hello Team.

Master Server OS is solaris 10 and NBU version is 6.5.4

I am trying to expire the media manually through bpexpdate command , but not able to expire.


C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>nbemmcmd.exe -listmedia -mediaid
NBEMMCMD, Version:6.5.4
Media GUID:                     fdd1ad90-6d85-11df-8000-c08427599fbf
Media ID:                       HS0764
Partner:                        -
Media Type:                     HCART
Volume Group:                   000_00004_TLD
Application:                    Netbackup
Media Flags:                    1
Description:                    LTO-4 Tapes
Barcode:                        HS0764
Partner Barcode:                --------
Last Write Host:                hqub5500
Created:                        06/01/2010 19:00
Time Assigned:                  03/01/2013 17:00
First Mount:                    06/28/2010 17:38
Last Mount:                     03/03/2013 16:24
Volume Expiration:              -
Data Expiration:                04/15/2013 18:00
Last Written:                   03/01/2013 17:00
Last Read:                      -
Robot Type:                     TLD
Robot Control Host:             hqsb5510
Robot Number:                   4
Slot:                           409
Side/Face:                      -
Cleanings Remaining:            -
Number of Mounts:               481
Maximum Mounts Allowed:         0
Media Status:                   FULL MPX
Kilobytes:                      856018432
Images:                         24
Valid Images:                   24
Retention Period:               14
Number of Restores:             0
Optical Header Size Bytes:      1024
Optical Sector Size Bytes:      0
Optical Partition Size Bytes:   0
Last Header Offset:             0
Adamm Guid:                     00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Rsm Guid:                       00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Origin Host:                    NONE
Master Host:                    hqub5500
Server Group:                   NO_SHARING_GROUP
Upgrade Conflicts Flag:
Pool Number:                    8
Volume Pool:                    NetBackup_altsite1
Previous Pool Name:             ScratchPool
Vault Flags:                    -
Vault Container:                -
Vault Name:                     -
Vault Slot:                     -
Session ID:                     -
Date Vaulted:                   -
Return Date:                    -
Command completed successfully.

C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpexpdate.exe -m HS0764 -d 0
Media HS0764 is due to expire at 04/15/2013 18:00:03
Are you sure that the data on this media is not critical to
your business, and you are sure you want to delete HS0764 y/n (n)? y
requested media id is not assigned to this host in the EMM database


Checked below Tech notes..but no luck..

  • You need to add '-host <media-server>'

    Above output shows us the name of the media server:

    Last Write Host:                hqub5500

    So, command should be: 

    bpexpdate.exe -m HS0764 -d 0 -host hqub5500

3 Replies

  • You need to add '-host <media-server>'

    Above output shows us the name of the media server:

    Last Write Host:                hqub5500

    So, command should be: 

    bpexpdate.exe -m HS0764 -d 0 -host hqub5500