Forum Discussion

ipmanyak's avatar
Level 5
11 years ago

requestor is not a valid server for query 223

I get such  message:

"10.04.2014    9:35:51    tmn-backup    tmn-app06.utair.dom    Error    0    Security    requestor tmn-app06.utair.dom is not a valid server for query 223"

I ping and nslookup tmn-backup  from tmn-app06  with short and  FQDN name.

I ping and nslookup tmn-app06   from tmn-backup  with short anf FQDN  name.

From tmn-app06  command:

bpclntcmd -pn

expecting response from server tmn-backup

tmn-app06.utair.dom tmn-app06 64717


bpclntcmd -ip

host TMN-APP06.utair.dom at ::1

host TMN-APP06.utair.dom at

aliases:     TMN-APP06.utair.dom     ::1


bpclntcmd -hn tmn-backup

host tmn-backup: tmn-backup.utair.dom at

aliases:     tmn-backup.utair.dom     tmn-backup


From tmn-backup:

bptestbpcd -verbose -client tmn-app06

1 1 1 -> ->

PEER_NAME = tmn-backup.utair.dom

HOST_NAME = tmn-app06.utair.dom

CLIENT_NAME = tmn-app06.utair.dom

VERSION = 0x07500004

PLATFORM = win_x64



MASTER_SERVER = tmn-backup

EMM_SERVER = tmn-backup



version.txt  from tmn-app06

C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\version.txt

HARDWARE Windows x64


RELEASEDATE Mon Jun 10 21:45:17 2013



In 10.04.2014    14:05:44 I get succsess message:

149756    0    10.04.2014    14:05:44    tmn-backup    tmn-app06     tmn-app06_Base1C    Full    the requested operation was successfully completed


Why I get this message ?

"10.04.2014    9:35:51    tmn-backup    tmn-app06.utair.dom    Error    0    Security    requestor tmn-app06.utair.dom is not a valid server for query 223"

Any ideas ?


  • Please tell us more about the Full backup that this client is trying to run.

    What kind of Full backup? As per Mark's request - if this is a database backup, please show us the script.

    Does Client name in policy match hostname exactly (tmn-app06.utair.dom)?

    Show us the policy for this client.
    Run this command on the master:

    bppllist <policy-name> -U
    (command is in ..\netbackup\bin\admincmd)

    We see connection request from the client in master's bprd log, but there is no indication of what exactly the client is requesting:

    14:04:04.425 [9608.9528] <2> connected_peer: Connection from host tmn-app06.utair.dom,, on non-reserved port 59506
    14:04:04.425 [9608.9528] <2> db_valid_master_server: tmn-app06.utair.dom is not a valid server
    14:04:04.581 [9608.9528] <2> is_disk_client_configured: db_cred_allowed(tmn-app06.utair.dom, 1) failed: 227
    14:04:04.581 [9608.9528] <2> read_text_file: is_disk_client_configured(tmn-app06.utair.dom) failed: 227
    14:04:04.581 [9608.9528] <2> process_request: read_text_file failed - status = client is not validated to use the server (131)
    14:04:04.581 [9608.9528] <2> process_request: EXIT STATUS 131


8 Replies

  • Is tmn-app06.utair.dom in your SERVER list on the Master Server?

  • requestor tmn-app06.utair.dom is not a valid server for query 223

    What kind of 'query' was initiated from tmn-app06.utair.dom?

    Are you trying to perform a redirected restore to tmn-app06.utair.dom?
    If so, have you created files in 
    netbackup\db\altnames? (e.g. No.Restrictions)

    Are clients authorised to perform browse and/or restores? 
    Check Host Properties -> Master -> Client Attributes

    Please let us know what exactly is happening on tmn-app06.utair.dom. When we know, we can provide appropriate advice.

    In the meantime, check that bprd log folder exist on the master server.
    If not, create it and restart NBU Request Service.

    Next time you see the error, copy bprd log file to bprd.txt and upload as File attachment.


  • revaroo.

    Is tmn-app06.utair.dom in your SERVER list on the Master Server?

    No. I have only one Master Server  -  tmn-backup.


    query type is FULL backup.

    I did not perform a redirected restore to tmn-app06.utair.dom.

    In C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\db\altnames> I find the file No.Restrictions, its empty.

    >Are clients authorised to perform browse and/or restores? 
    >Check Host Properties -> Master -> Client Attributes.

    browse and restores are marked in Client Attributes, but tmn-app06  is out in Clients list in Client Attributes.

    I have many clients, but in this list there is no of them.

    bprd log folder exist on the master server and I have logs there. What shall I look in this log? Log 040914.txt is attached.


  • Is this client doing an application backup such as SQL?

    If so make sure its Netbackup client name, the name in the policy and the name in any script or bch file all match - both in FQDN terms and in their case (i.e. upper or lower case)

  • Please tell us more about the Full backup that this client is trying to run.

    What kind of Full backup? As per Mark's request - if this is a database backup, please show us the script.

    Does Client name in policy match hostname exactly (tmn-app06.utair.dom)?

    Show us the policy for this client.
    Run this command on the master:

    bppllist <policy-name> -U
    (command is in ..\netbackup\bin\admincmd)

    We see connection request from the client in master's bprd log, but there is no indication of what exactly the client is requesting:

    14:04:04.425 [9608.9528] <2> connected_peer: Connection from host tmn-app06.utair.dom,, on non-reserved port 59506
    14:04:04.425 [9608.9528] <2> db_valid_master_server: tmn-app06.utair.dom is not a valid server
    14:04:04.581 [9608.9528] <2> is_disk_client_configured: db_cred_allowed(tmn-app06.utair.dom, 1) failed: 227
    14:04:04.581 [9608.9528] <2> read_text_file: is_disk_client_configured(tmn-app06.utair.dom) failed: 227
    14:04:04.581 [9608.9528] <2> process_request: read_text_file failed - status = client is not validated to use the server (131)
    14:04:04.581 [9608.9528] <2> process_request: EXIT STATUS 131


  • It could also be that that client was installed as a media server and so is trying to connect to the Master / EMM alll of the time - just cannot tell from the log

  • Full backup is a backup of two files: 


    Netbackup client name is tmn-app06. Its not a media server.

    Result of command:   bppllist tmn-app06_Base1C

    Policy Name:       tmn-app06_Base1C                         
      Policy Type:         MS-Windows                           
      Active:              yes                                  
      Effective date:      10/23/2012 12:29:52                  
      Backup network drvs: no                                   
      Collect TIR info:    no                                   
      Mult. Data Streams:  no                                   
      Client Encrypt:      no                                   
      Checkpoint:          no                                   
      Policy Priority:     0                                    
      Max Jobs/Policy:     Unlimited                            
      Disaster Recovery:   0                                    
      Collect BMR info:    no                                   
      Residence:           Slow2_Backup                         
      Volume Pool:         NetBackup                            
      Server Group:        *ANY*                                
      Keyword:             (none specified)                     
      Data Classification:       -                              
      Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:    no              
      Application Discovery:      no                            
      Discovery Lifetime:      28800 seconds                    
    ASC Application and attributes: (none defined)              
      Granular Restore Info:  no                                
      Ignore Client Direct:  no                                 
    Enable Metadata Indexing:  no                               
    Index server name:  NULL                                    
      Use Accelerator:  no                                      
      HW/OS/Client:  Windows-x64   Windows2008   tmn-app06      
      Include:  D:\Backup_1C\Backup_Full_1C8.7z                 
      Schedule:              Full                               
        Type:                Full Backup                        
        Frequency:           every 1 day                        
        Maximum MPX:         1                                  
        Synthetic:           0                                  
        Checksum Change Detection: 0                            
        PFI Recovery:        0                                  
        Retention Level:     0 (1 week)                         
        Number Copies:       1                                  
        Fail on Error:       0                                  
        Residence:           1week_1month_slow2                 
        Volume Pool:         (same as policy volume pool)       
        Server Group:        (same as specified for policy)     
        Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:         1        
        Schedule indexing:     0                                
        Daily Windows:                                          
              воскресен  14:00:00  -->  воскресен  14:30:00     
              понедельн  14:00:00  -->  понедельн  14:30:00     
              вторник    14:00:00  -->  вторник    14:30:00     
              среда      14:00:00  -->  среда      14:30:00     
              четверг    14:00:00  -->  четверг    14:30:00     
              пятница    14:00:00  -->  пятница    14:30:00     
              суббота    14:00:00  -->  суббота    14:30:00




  • We still don't know what exactly is kicked off from the client side.

    The policy output shows us a policy and schedule type that can only be kicked off from a NBU server - either manually or automatically as per the schedule on the master.
    This policy does not allow any backups to be kicked off from the client.

    If you want to start backups from the client, you need to add a User Backup schedule with an open window during which Client will be allowed to run a manual backup.