Forum Discussion

Intore's avatar
Level 4
6 years ago

Requirements for upgrade from 7.7.3 to 8.1

Hi all, I'm planning the ugrade of Netbackup from 7.7.3 to 8.1 version for a customer.

He has:

- Main master server with Redhat 7.2 (as media server also)

- Replicated master server with Windows Server 2008 R2 (as media server also)

- Media server/OPS center with Windows Server 2008 R2

I have some questions about the requirements.

1. The main master server (Redhat) has already the nbwebsvc user and nbwebgrp group created but they don't exist in the replicated master server (Windows Server 2008 R2). Could I create these user and group as local?

2. I performed the SORT on the three servers. The main server is ok but not the others because of two issues:

Account privilege check
No mapping between account names and security IDs was done.

Port availability
1556 (pbx) Port 1556 is needed by NetBackup and was found to be in use on the system and it's
likely another process is using the port.

Could you tell me what the first one refers to?

About the port availability I just checked it and seems ok:

[root@mainserver /]# telnet replicated 1556
Trying x.x.x.x...
Connected to replicated.
Escape character is '^]'.

[root@mainserver /]# telnet media_ops 1556
Trying x.x.x.x...
Connected to media_ops.
Escape character is '^]'.

Thank you


  • Hello,

    yes create nbwebsrv/nbwebgrp on the target Windows Master. These can be local accounts. Maybe their absence is a cause of "account privilege check" error. Accounts are needed on Master's only, not Media's/OpsCenter's.

    You must inspect on a network level (netstat -a -b) which process in listening on port 1556. If it is a pbx_exchange.exe, then it is ok.



  • Regarding "Port availability". Sort is complaining because it is in use, it expect the port to be free.

    Please note there there is a difference between a installation assessment and a upgrade assessment.

    If you know Netbackup components already install you can leave out the warning.

7 Replies

  • Hello,

    yes create nbwebsrv/nbwebgrp on the target Windows Master. These can be local accounts. Maybe their absence is a cause of "account privilege check" error. Accounts are needed on Master's only, not Media's/OpsCenter's.

    You must inspect on a network level (netstat -a -b) which process in listening on port 1556. If it is a pbx_exchange.exe, then it is ok.



    • Intore's avatar
      Level 4

      Hi Michal, the group nbwebgrp and the user nbwebsvc have been created locally on the replicated master server. The user nbwebsvc belongs to the nbwebgrp group. The user nbwebsvc has been added to the Log on as a service policy as explained here.

      After these actions I ran the SORT check. The message about the absence of the web group and user disappeared but there is a new message with regard the group:

      The 'SeServiceLogonRight' privilege is not granted for account/group 'nbwebgrp' on machine 'replicated_master'.
      Please make sure WinDC is run as Administrator, the 'nbwebgrp' Windows group exists and it has been granted the 'Log on
      as a service' privilege.

      As I read in the upgrade guide only the user nbwebsvc must have the Log on as a service privilege. Do you know something more about this issue?

      About the port issue. I verified by using netstat and the listening process is pbx_exchange.exe

      Thank you


  • Regarding "Port availability". Sort is complaining because it is in use, it expect the port to be free.

    Please note there there is a difference between a installation assessment and a upgrade assessment.

    If you know Netbackup components already install you can leave out the warning.

    • Intore's avatar
      Level 4

      Hi Nicolai. I just verified and the listening process on 1556 port is pbx_exchange.exe so I guess it's fine.

      Thank you

      • Michal_Mikulik1's avatar


        I have always granted LogOn As A Service to nbwebsvc user only. So maybe this is a false warning.

