Forum Discussion

zoan_nbu's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

restore folder issue

Hi All,

I am doing a MS WINDOWS restore. But on the destination client ,one folder is extra created.


I mean source path is: E:\user_data\bank\


When i perform the restore on this client: destination comes like    :  E:\user_data\bank\bank\




under bank i have 3 folders in BAR .I am selecting bank folder from the LEFT PANE.


What is the issue here?



OR is there any fundae /rule for this?


NBU 7.1


I have gone through below link:


but it does not have what path to mention when doing a restore.

  • You are selecticng complete folder "bank" and restoring at destination "E:\user_data\bank" thats why it is being restored as "E:\user_data\bank\bank\".


    1. Restore at destination "E:\user_data\"



    2. Try restore by selecting individual files/folders inside bank folder and restore at destination "E:\user_data\bank"




  • We need to see the restore options you are selecting in the restore screen where you are specifying the restore destination path. Please post a screenshot.

  • i need to know the rule for the  restore destination path.i mean if i select a folder from left side,then what i have to mention here? or if i select a folder from right side,then what i have to mention here?


    In The second option I am writing :    E:\user_data\bank





  • You are selecticng complete folder "bank" and restoring at destination "E:\user_data\bank" thats why it is being restored as "E:\user_data\bank\bank\".


    1. Restore at destination "E:\user_data\"



    2. Try restore by selecting individual files/folders inside bank folder and restore at destination "E:\user_data\bank"






    thanks OTR.


    So what is the rule here?If i select the filee from right pane.Then what i have to write?

    and one more thing.if i select a folder from left or right pane,does destination path defined differs?

  • The ONLY parameter that apply is what you select in the Destination section:

    Select one of the following destination options:

    • Restore everything to its original location (default)
    • Restore everything to a different location 
      (maintaining existing structure)
    • Restore individual directories (folders) and files to different locations

    And then what you type in when you do not select the default. 

    If you want files to be restored to original location, (E:\user_data\bank) you should leave the selection as Original location, do not select second option.

  • Thanks Mam.

    1...I select  "BANK"  folder from left ----then mentioning ----E:\user_data\bank  in destination path will create a "BANK" folder under bank.Am i correct?

    2...I select  "BANK"  folder from Right ----then mentioning ----E:\user_data\bank  in destination path will create a "BANK" folder under bank.Am i correct?


    3....I select  "BANK"  folder from left ----then mentioning ----E:\user_data\ in destination path will create a "BANK" folder under "user_data ".Am i correct?

    4...I select  "BANK"  folder from Right  ----then mentioning ----E:\user_data\ in destination path will create a "BANK" folder under "user_data ".Am i correct?

  • I honestly have nothing else to say.

    Restore destination depends on what you select and specify in the 'destination options' in the last restore screen as explained above. Not if you select folder from the left or right. 

    I have asked you for a screen shot of YOUR restore attempt.

    Instead of showing us your restore selection for E:\user_data\bank folder, you show us a screen shot with C:\ as source.

    I will no longer respond to this discussion.
    You have enough information.
    The rest you can figure out by trying different destination options in the last screen.