Forum Discussion

Mehul_Pal's avatar
Level 5
9 years ago

SAN Client & SAN Media server



I was going through netbackup architure notes i saw two things there

1. SAN CLient

2. SAN Media server


I gone through this post as well


Understood SAN Media server takes backup of iteself and Tape library is zoned with them

however SAN Clients are connected to storage switch and there data goes to FT Media server

My questions:

1. Are SAN Clients are normal clients what software we need to install on them

2. In the archciture it shows SAN client connected with a different storage switch - by doing this it will increase the hops for san client.

3. If we have tape library and not sure SSO licesnse is there or not how can we check it.

4.I saw in the architecture where Media server & SAN Media server both are used so who will be the robotic control host?


I know my questions are silly I apologize for that

  • Tousif's avatar
    9 years ago

    Hello Mehul,


    SAN client send data to FT media server. SAN client do not take backup itself. The tape library is attache to FT media server. You can not install NBU server package on SAN client. If it installed then you have to uninstall the NBU server package and need to install the client packages to make SAN client.

    SAN media server required NBU media server packeges installed. SAN media server can take backup itself only. No other client backup can take by SAN media server.

    Here most of the people get confuse about SAN Client & SAN Media server. 

    SAN client and FT Media server work together to backup. SAN client is sender and FT media server is receiver 

    SAN media server is sender and receiver for itself data backup.

    Please refer the NBU SAN admin guide for prerequisite to make SAN client and FT media server.

    Thanks & Regards, 

  • Hello,

    1. Are SAN Clients are normal clients what software we need to install on them.
    Ans: NBU client package required. No other software or additional package required.

    After installation run the below command on the client to enable the SAN Client Fibre Transport Service (nbftclnt):

    UNIX and Linux:

    /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpclntcmd -sanclient 1


    install_path\NetBackup\bin\bpclntcmd.exe -sanclient 1

    2. In the archciture it shows SAN client connected with a different storage switch - by doing this it will increase the hops for san client.
    Ans: You can use the same switch to connect the client but make sure the traffic will not get affected.

    3.If we have tape library and not sure SSO licesnse is there or not how can we check it.

    c:\program files\veritas\netbackup\bin\admincmd\bpminlicense -verbose

    Output is :

    Feature ID = 30 Shared Storage Option +

    Feature ID = 30 Shared Storage Option +


    4.I saw in the architecture where Media server & SAN Media server both are used so who will be the robotic control host?
    Ans: It could be Media server, FT Media server, SAN Media Server. The robotic control host is responsible to mount and unmount the media as per request. The data will transfer through FT media server only.


    Thanks & Regards,

    • Mehul_Pal's avatar
      Level 5



      Thank you for answering all my questions.


      I have query that SAN Client has just a normal software installed in it and it will backup its own data the same work is done by SAN media server.

      FT media server is similar to san media server ?

      what is Linux buffer size and concurrent pipe usage in SAN client?


      • Tousif's avatar
        Level 6

        Hello Mehul,


        SAN client send data to FT media server. SAN client do not take backup itself. The tape library is attache to FT media server. You can not install NBU server package on SAN client. If it installed then you have to uninstall the NBU server package and need to install the client packages to make SAN client.

        SAN media server required NBU media server packeges installed. SAN media server can take backup itself only. No other client backup can take by SAN media server.

        Here most of the people get confuse about SAN Client & SAN Media server. 

        SAN client and FT Media server work together to backup. SAN client is sender and FT media server is receiver 

        SAN media server is sender and receiver for itself data backup.

        Please refer the NBU SAN admin guide for prerequisite to make SAN client and FT media server.

        Thanks & Regards,