Forum Discussion

rizwan84tx's avatar
Level 6
13 years ago

SAN Client: ARCHIVE Python device disappears

Hi All,

Recently; i've been experiancing issues in a SAN client. Let me explain how its all setup,

  • San Client: Windows 2008 R2 EE, on QLE2462.
  • FT Media Server: RHEL 5.5 x64, targer HBA on QLE2462
  • Zoning: WWPN of one port in SAN Client is zoned to both target HBA port's WWPN.
  • Master Server: Windows 2008 R2 EE

Initially 4 ARCHIVE Python device were showing up in the client device manager and backups were running fine. Now, i see the ARCHIVE Python devices disappering most of the time. Its unusual, that sometimes i see 4 ARCHIVE Python devices and then they decrease to 3 or 2 and so on; also i do see SCSI devices (attached the screen shot). I can feel that you may question on Zoning, i did get same thought and checked there were no changes in zoning.

I checked the FT target device state, they are active and FT service are running.


[root@FTSERVER admincmd]# ./nbftconfig -listtargets
d 0 0 w # active FABRIC QLE246x Series FC Hba Qlogic
d 0 1 w # active FABRIC QLE246x Series FC Hba Qlogic
d 1 0 w # active FABRIC QLE246x Series FC Hba Qlogic
d 1 1 w # active FABRIC QLE246x Series FC Hba Qlogic
Tried re-installing the FT media server too, but nothing changed. The SAN Client's HBA drivers are latest. I Suspect something has gone wrong in the Clients Operating system and would want to find what went wrong.
Any inputs by you experts is highly appreciated.
  • You have either a faulty HBA, faulty cables, a bad switch or a bad library - but somethiung is sending resets to the device and then it shows as being in use

    You need to see if you can get logs from everything to see if you can pin it down.

    There are setting on some switches that can cause a reset as well as on the HBA itself.

    Also worth checking your media servers for ophaned bptm processes that can be causing issues in view of the "resource is in use comment" - this is what you get when Removable Storage Service or TUR has not been dealt with but also when bptm / bpbrm processes have been orphaned.

    Are you sure nothing else is zoned to it that shouldn't be?.