Forum Discussion

prominen's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

SAP archive log backup not running on schedule



I've a situation here where I have configured a SAP archive log backup. The backup will trigger redo log script in client server and will save and delete to netbackup media. I've set the schedule start open window to  24x7 with frequency every 1 hours.


Now the backup is running successfully, but it not running on time. What I mean that, I want the backup to run exactly on every 2PM, 3PM, 4PM and so on for easier log tracing on SAP in the future. But now it running at 2.30PM, 3.30PM....and sometime 8.50PM, 9.50PM with no accurate time. Please refer below image for the start window setting and attribute setting.



I've checked on all setting, and but there is no setting that can do this. 

Is there any solution for this?




  • Frequncy backup works like this - the scheduler checks all policies every 10 minutes.

    When it finds an open window, it checks the frequency - 1 hour in your case.
    It now checks the image database - did a successful backup for this schedule run in the last hour?
    If the answer is no, the backup will be submitted.

    You can try to 'kick-start' it by manually starting a backup exactly on the top of the hour. As long as resources are available, backups will now run every hour on the hour.

    The problem comes in when all resources are busy and backup is queued.
    If backup only goes active after 15 minutes, the new time for hourly backups will be moved accordingly....

    If you REALLY want backups to run the way you want it, you need an external scheduler or else get the OS scheduler on the client to start the backup script as per required schedule and remove the Automatic schedule from the policy.

8 Replies

  • No - you can't really. The 1 hour scheduling start when you activated the policy. 

    You could deactivate the policy until the top of the hour and then activate it, but Netbackup scheduler activates in 10 minutes interval. So in practice you will see scheduling time drift, but it may work for you.



  • Frequncy backup works like this - the scheduler checks all policies every 10 minutes.

    When it finds an open window, it checks the frequency - 1 hour in your case.
    It now checks the image database - did a successful backup for this schedule run in the last hour?
    If the answer is no, the backup will be submitted.

    You can try to 'kick-start' it by manually starting a backup exactly on the top of the hour. As long as resources are available, backups will now run every hour on the hour.

    The problem comes in when all resources are busy and backup is queued.
    If backup only goes active after 15 minutes, the new time for hourly backups will be moved accordingly....

    If you REALLY want backups to run the way you want it, you need an external scheduler or else get the OS scheduler on the client to start the backup script as per required schedule and remove the Automatic schedule from the policy.

  • ok now I understand it...let me try to manual backup on early hour and monitored the pattern.



  • Ive have successfully implemented this using OS scheduler, in my case cron. Works a treat. Jim

  • one more thing, today i run the redo log script (redolog.cmd) using task scheduler in windows and run it every top hour. it work but from netbackup console, i don't get any job status. However on sap, the job status is there...this is because the redolog script direct call sap backup tool without communicate with how do i configure the policy on netbackup console to get the log also? i'm scared that using this method make me hards to restore the database log later on using brrestore command...
  • Is this the exact same script that was entered in Backup Selection of the NBU scheduled backup?
    If so, it should show up in NBU. 
    The only difference here is - who starts the process?
    If not, check the SAP output/log file created by the script to see what happened.

  • under backup selection i did not use the same should i use the same script path? the task is started by task scheduler. also i did also use a different method where task scheduler call a .bat file where inside the bat file I specified the full path for calling the redolog script with policy name, schedule name for netbackup. The task run successfully but still didn't communicate with netbackup. The log only apear in sap.