Forum Discussion

Casey_King's avatar
Level 6
16 years ago

SAP Backups


Master Server

Windows 2003 Server, Standard Edition

NBE 6.0MP5



AIX version - 5.3

Oracle - 9i

NB Client - 5.1


Now with this out of the way, here is the meat of the post


Currently running a disk2disk backup and then spin off to tape. (reason: takes too long to go straight to tape). We are working towards, virtualizing the disk behind another solution that enhances snapshot technoloy and disaster recoverability.


Although the current operation works, the problem I run into is, that I am not allowed any down time of our production SAP systems to do a file level backup; as a result, I am not backing up the following file systems:





This is currently the situation across entire production environment.  I am utilizing mksysb to capture rootvg information, and the oracle backup is getting the sapdata information as well as the control file and so forth.


I am trying to figure out how to capture the two missing file systems within a backup and keep them in line with the current backup strategy?  If I set up another policy and back these file systems up by themselves, will there by a sync problem if I need to restore the entire system?  Will there be an issue between the timestamps on the oracle backup/restore and the two filesystems backup/restore?




  • Checked out SAP BR*tools and what it has to offer?   


    I would be concerned with running two apps thatare not longer supported by vendors

3 Replies

  • In this case then you need a Continue Data Protection (CDP) Solution, there are some vendors out there and I know symantec just release a CDP product named Real Time Protection (RTP) with this you can get a a few mins or secs RPO with a very thin RTO, take a look maybe is what you are looking for.



  • Checked out SAP BR*tools and what it has to offer?   


    I would be concerned with running two apps thatare not longer supported by vendors

  • Thanks for the direction.  I visited the SAP forums and found that these two file systems are not timestamp dependent, and was directed to set up a separate policy and run it "at a minimum" weekly.