Forum Discussion

NBU35's avatar
Level 6
9 years ago



We are in phase of setting up SAP Hana SPS10 backups from Netbackup.
Clients are on RHEL 6.5, NBU

I have read somewhere only NBU versions >= SUpports FUll, INcr, Differential Incr backups of Hana DB.

Does any NBU version prior to has this capability?

As per NBU SAP guide for version 7.6 "For this release, data backup and restore are initiated from the SAP HANA studio and not from NetBackup Administration Console. You can run backups using the SQL commands. You can also use Cron to schedule the backups."

DOes it Mean no SAP HANA backup can be schduled from NetBackup Admin console ? 

How can we define no. Of streams of backup (just like channels in Oracle) ?

  • There is a script you can download that will allow you to initiate the backups from NetBackup. You can get it here

    Streams are defined in the UTL file DRIVES parameters.

    I'm not sure about previous support for INCR.

  • Hi NBU35,

    I would be wondering if you are running in an unsupported configuration, as the Database SCL says support for SAP HANA SPS 10 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Update 5 (x86-64) only started at NetBackup version, and you are on

    In the NetBackup for SAP Administrator's Guide for 7.6 it has the following on page 35 (Installing NetBackup for SAP HANA -> Planning the installation) regarding linking:

    Check that is symbolically linked to the file.
    These files are located in /usr/lib64/.

    That is different to the linking information you provided above, so not sure what guide that was from.



7 Replies

  • There is a script you can download that will allow you to initiate the backups from NetBackup. You can get it here

    Streams are defined in the UTL file DRIVES parameters.

    I'm not sure about previous support for INCR.

  • You can specify the UTL file in the log sections of the global.ini. Sorry I can't recall the exact terms but its all in the guide. I followed it and its suprisingly easy to get the basics going. It includes creating the link.


    Do that first an initiate the backups from HANA studio, once that works, move on to the script. Just do what is says in the note, we had to play around with the ports as we had two instances of HANA running on one server.


    I think the script can cater for Incrementals if that's what you mean with DELTA.



  • Hi NBU35,

    I would be wondering if you are running in an unsupported configuration, as the Database SCL says support for SAP HANA SPS 10 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Update 5 (x86-64) only started at NetBackup version, and you are on

    In the NetBackup for SAP Administrator's Guide for 7.6 it has the following on page 35 (Installing NetBackup for SAP HANA -> Planning the installation) regarding linking:

    Check that is symbolically linked to the file.
    These files are located in /usr/lib64/.

    That is different to the linking information you provided above, so not sure what guide that was from.



  • Hi,


    I need to help a customer with SAP HANA backups. At this moment I am helping with the design and I am wondering about the deduplication rates as I have seen that SAP compress the stream before sending to NBU. Do anyone have real deduplication rates on SAP HANA backup implementations? 


    Thanks in advance,



  • Thanks Riaan.

    If I am right then as per TN support for delta Backups started from

    As per script in we can schedule backups from Netbackup by creating link between hdbbackint and hdbbackint_cript of netbackup and modifiying initsap.utl file.

    This script is only clearfying full and delta backups, how to configure log backup using backint, which are by default /usr/sap/../backup/logs/ directory.

    To perform backps using this script, do we need a separate user like backup admin user?

    Thanks for informing about DRIVES parameter in .utl file, I believe it works in co-ordination with parameter "paralell_Data_backup_streams" in global.ini file.


    Please suggest.

  • As per Guide:

    Create a link from SAP HANA’s hdbbackint to hdbbackint_script script instead of NetBackup’s hdbbackint binary, as follows:

    ln -s /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/hdbbackint_script /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/hdb/opt/hdbbackint

    we have NBU on our SAP client, I checked we don't have any binary there with name "hdbbackint" or "hdbbackint_script".

    How shall I proceed.



  • Yes, There is an option to set up another policy for log backups.

    can u please help me out with sample script for logs backups.