Forum Discussion

X2's avatar
6 years ago

SCCM automation using silentclient.cmd 8.1.1

*** I tried to do a search in Vox for silentclient.cmd usage with 8.1.x version but the results were not what I'm looking for (the queries were pre 8.x) ***

I configured the silentclient.cmd options file with Master server fingerprint and Authorization token (for fresh installs only) and provided that to our SCCM administrator.

He is able to run the silent.cmd and NetBackup 8.1.1 gets installed and configured except for the certificate part. The trust between the client and master is successfully created. However, the certificate does not get deployed.

I put the value of Authorization token for AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN variable in addition to other settings and save the file. The one thing that I have noticed is that the commands at the bottom of the files Echo does add the AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN to the %RESPFILENAME%.  (adding the variable in %RESPFILENAME% didn't change anything though!)

Has anyone got it working using silentclient.cmd along with certificates deployment?

9 Replies

    • X2's avatar

      Michael_G_Ander- client certificate can be run via the silentclient.cmd also. The fact that CA trust is being established, means that the process works.

      I went through the log files and finally found the reason of certificate deployment failure. The VM is provisioned by SCCM in a temporary VLAN and uses DHCP. Once the provisioned part completes via SCCM, our VM admins do final configurations on the VM which includes the correct IP address and VLAN.

      The silentclient.cmd fails certificate deployment with EXIT STATUS 5954: The host name could not be resolved to the requesting host's IP address. Unless we change that, the certificate deployment portion cannot be done successfully during the SCCM deployment.

      Do note that the rest of the configuration of NetBackup client works though: setting up CA trust, client host name, master server, and additional servers, using the silentclient.cmd.

      • Ranjit1's avatar
        Level 4

        Hi X2,


        I added below line in silent scritp but its not working can you please help me to modify this ?


        nbcertcmd -getCertificate -host  %COMPUTERNAME% -server Master_server -force >> "c:\Temp\NB_Install.log"