Forum Discussion

Ranjit1's avatar
Level 4
6 years ago

Re: SCCM automation using silentclient.cmd 8.1.1

**** Moved to new post from:

X2i tried what you suggested and its failed but this time its not installed only below is the logs

01-04-2019,18:40:45 : Command produced the following output (will display up to 8192 characters):

01-04-2019,18:40:45 : -------------------------------------------------------------------------->

01-04-2019,18:40:45 : The validation of root certificate fingerprint is successful.

01-04-2019,18:40:45 : CA certificate stored successfully from server masterserver

01-04-2019,18:40:45 : --------------------------------------------------------------------------<

01-04-2019,18:40:45 : CA certificate deployed successfully.

01-04-2019,18:40:45 : Authorization Token specification is [SKIP]. Will not use token when deploying host certificate.

01-04-2019,18:40:47 : Removing registry containing security info.

01-04-2019,18:40:47 : Executed command: ["C:\Users\mc43585\AppData\Local\Temp\nbcertcmdtool.exe" -getCertificate -atLibPath "C:\Users\mc43585\AppData\Local\Temp" -server mcdsinputl1016.corp.pri -installDir "C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup" -host MCDCSFDAPP4120 -mediaServListFile "C:\Users\mc43585\AppData\Local\Temp\NB_ms.8944" -debugFile "C:\ProgramData\Veritas\NetBackup\InstallLogs\GetHostCertificate.20190104.104045.log"].

01-04-2019,18:40:47 : Command produced the following output (will display up to 8192 characters):

01-04-2019,18:40:47 : -------------------------------------------------------------------------->

01-04-2019,18:40:47 : nbcertcmdtool: The -getCertificate operation failed for server mcdsinputl1016.corp.pri.

01-04-2019,18:40:47 : EXIT STATUS 14: file write failed

01-04-2019,18:40:47 : --------------------------------------------------------------------------<

+ 01-04-2019,18:40:47 : Attempt to deploy host certificate failed with status code [14].

01-04-2019,18:40:47 : NetBackup security requirements are documented at

01-04-2019,18:40:47 : CustomAction Immediate_DeploySecurityCertificates returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)

+ 01-04-2019,18:40:47 : Action ended 18:40:47: Immediate_DeploySecurityCertificates. Return value 3.

01-04-2019,18:40:48 : Security certificates were deployed earlier in the installation process.

01-04-2019,18:40:48 : Attempting to remove certificates as part of rollback.

01-04-2019,18:40:48 : Certificate with host ID [1f0535f1-893d-47ad-9bce-a742095e25f9] was successfully removed.

01-04-2019,18:40:48 : Successfully removed CA Certificate [C:\Program Files\VERITAS\\NetBackup\var\webtruststore\cacert.pem].

+ 01-04-2019,18:40:48 : Action ended 18:40:48: INSTALL. Return value 3.

01-04-2019,18:40:48 : Property(S): DiskPrompt = ![CDATA[[1]]]

01-04-2019,18:40:48 : Property(S): Commit_CreateSupportFilesServer = C:\Users\mc43585\AppData\Local\Temp\

01-04-2019,18:40:48 : Property(S): Deferred_AddressIPv6ClientServiceChanges = C:\Program Files\VERITAS\

01-04-2019,18:40:48 : Property(S): Deferred_CreateLogDirectories = C:\Program Files\VERITAS\ 0

01-04-2019,18:40:48 : Property(S): Deferred_DuplicateDLLsCheck = T

01-04-2019,18:40:48 : Property(S): Deferred_EnableSessionCaching = C:\Program Files\VERITAS\ 1

01-04-2019,18:40:48 : Property(S): Deferred_ForceMaxLogLevel = C:\Program Files\VERITAS\

01-04-2019,18:40:48 : Property(S): Deferred_NBCheck = 1 -Dwebsvc_user="nbwebsvc" -Dwebsvc_group="nbwebgrp" -Dwebsvc_domain="" 1 C:\Users\mc43585\AppData\Local\Temp




7 Replies

  • X2's avatar

    Status 14 - file write failed -> have you checked UAC if it is disabled? See

    Ranjit1please do not  hijack other topics which may already have been answered. You should create a new one as it keeps topics and discussions at a single place. It also makes it easier to search for solutions for others. Multiple postings of the same issue is also not going to help you more than a single post.

    MarianneCould you please split this discussion into a new one from Ranjit1's post?

    • Ranjit1's avatar
      Level 4

      X2I tested on 2 server on one NBU 8.1.1 is installing without certificate but UAC is disbled on another server NBU 8.1.1 is not installing geeting below errro but UAC is disabled on this server as well. i have same rights on both server


      01-04-2019,18:40:47 : nbcertcmdtool: The -getCertificate operation failed for server mcdsinputl1016.corp.pri.

      01-04-2019,18:40:47 : EXIT STATUS 14: file write failed

      01-04-2019,18:40:47 : --------------------------------------------------------------------------<

      + 01-04-2019,18:40:47 : Attempt to deploy host certificate failed with status code [14].

      01-04-2019,18:40:47 : NetBackup security requirements are documented at

      01-04-2019,18:40:47 : CustomAction Immediate_DeploySecurityCertificates returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)

      + 01-04-2019,18:40:47 : Action ended 18:40:47: Immediate_DeploySecurityCertificates. Return value 3.

  • MarianneX2still i am facing same certoficate issue, i tried what X2 suggested, below is line i added in my silent file 

    nbcertcmd -getCertificate -host %COMPUTERNAME%.%USERDNSDOMAIN% -server Masterserver.corp.pri -force >> "c:\Temp\NB_Install.log

    • X2's avatar

      Ranjit1Have you checked the log file from the install? Does it give any clues about what actually fails?

      • Ranjit1's avatar
        Level 4

        X2As per hostcertificate logs


        22:01:02.441 [9584.5896] <2> curlSendRequest: actual http response : 400 expected http result: 200
        22:01:02.441 [9584.5896] <2> parse_json_error_response: Error code returned by server is :5954
        22:01:02.441 [9584.5896] <2> parse_json_error_response: Developer error message return by server :The master server could not match any hostnames from alias list [Client server.corp.pri] to the IP address:x.x.x.x
        22:01:02.441 [9584.5896] <16> nbcert_curl_gethostcertificate: Failed to perform getcertificate, with error code : 5954
        22:01:02.441 [9584.5896] <2> NBClientCURL:~NBClientCURL: Performing curl_easy_cleanup()
        22:01:02.441 [9584.5896] <2> nbclnt_curl_prefnet::reset: Returning VN_STATUS_SUCCESS
        22:01:02.441 [9584.5896] <16> GetHostCertificate: nbcertcmdtool command failed to get certificate. retval = 5954
        22:01:02.441 [9584.5896] <2> nbcertcmdtool: EXIT STATUS 5954: The host name could not be resolved to the requesting host's IP address.