Forum Discussion

Santhosh_M's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Schedule for a single client from policy in Netbackup

Hi All,


Can any one please let me know how to start a backup of single client from a policy in different schedule.


Example, I have schedule backup for a policy XXXX on Monday but I need a particular client backup on Wednesday from policy XXXX, how can I schedule it.

  • You would have to add the client to it's own policy.

    The only other way would be to run the command via Windows schduler / or Unix cron , this way you could use the existing policy.

    bpbackup -i -p <policy> -s <schudule> -h <hostname>  

    Where hostname is the client you want to run the backup on.

10 Replies

  • if you need a backup on Specific day.. you need to use the calender schedule in the policy Schedule...

    this scheule will get applicable to all the clients in the same policy... if you have mulitple clients and you want it to be applied for only one client... it is not possible you need to create a seperate policy for specific client.

  • You would have to add the client to it's own policy.

    The only other way would be to run the command via Windows schduler / or Unix cron , this way you could use the existing policy.

    bpbackup -i -p <policy> -s <schudule> -h <hostname>  

    Where hostname is the client you want to run the backup on.

  • Ram and MPH are correct.  All of a policy's attributes (including storage units, schedules, options like "Use Accelerator" and snapshot parameters, and backup selections) will apply to ALL of the clients in that policy. 

    When one of those clients needs even one minor policy change applied to its backups, you have to create a new policy for that client.

  • Thank you for your suggessions, is there any script or something we can find.. if possible?

  • Right click the policy

    Select "Copy to New Policy..."

    Modify the Schedule to fit your needs

    Remove all clients but one

  • cron tab will works but if we have any other option to schdule a single client backup, that may be really good.


    Any way thanks all for your valuble time.

  • Not unless you have a 3rd party scheduler available.

    To be honest, cron is simple, you have a simple request so cron is ideal to do the job, keep things as simple as possible.

  • The most simple would be to have a policy to fit your business needs. If another admin comes along they will say "Where is this job coming from? I can't find a policy with a schedule like that". It's also needlessly overcomplicated. Job security.

  • I totally agree.

    You are utilising a backup application especially designed to ..... run backups.

    We often see on the forum queries along the lines of " ... this job keeps running, but we don't know where from ... " only to find it is instigated from a cron that some previous admin configured & didn't document.

    For one off schedules, cron can be utilised but, as INT_RND pointed out earlier, it is *SO* easy to [[right-click "copy to new policy"]] create a one-off policy. This will have all the main attributes of the original policy with just a few minor changes to cater for some one-off scheduling requirement. The added advantage is that it's there for everyone to see in the *backup application*.

    Just my 2p ;)