Scratch Pool
Dear Experts,
I have created a Scratch Pool as per the attachment Scratch_Pool and now its empty.
Could somebody tell me what should be the next steps? and any configuration needs to be done?
If the other 4 media have never been in the scratch pool they will return to the pool from where they orginated (i.e. NetBackup in your case?)
No. If 'Previous Pool' is not saying Scratch, it will not automatically go back to Scratch.
As per my previous post, you will have to move the Assigned tapes manually to Scratch when they expire.
All tapes need to be moved to Scratch at least once in order for the scratch functionality to work.
When tapes are moved from Scratch to a backup pool at the start of a backup, the 'Previous Pool' attribute will be changed to Scratch.
Only when 'Previous Pool' is recorded as Scratch will it automatically return to Scratch when all images have expired.
Have you had a look at the discussion that I have referenced above?