Forum Discussion

cviniciusm's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

SYMCquiesce for GNU/Linux Debian 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 x86-64?



According "NetBackup (tm) 7.x Operating System Compatibility List (", Debian 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 x86-64 are NetBackup Client supported.


Why is there no SYMCquiesce package for these OS' , please?


I known Alien to convert rpm to deb, but I would like a official statement and solution by Symantec, please.


Thanks in advance.

  • From the NetBackup for VMware 7.5 Administrator's Guide:

    Requirements for the SYMCquiesce utility
    - The SYMCquiesce utility supports the following Linux operating systems:
      - Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 5.4 and later.
      - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 Update 1 and later.

    - The SYMCquiesce utility supports the ext3 and ext4 file systems and the LVM2 volume manager.
    - VMware Tools must be installed in the virtual machine.
    - The VMware Tools services must be running during the backup.
    - The NetBackup Virtual machine quiesce parameter must be enabled. This option is in the NetBackup policy, Snapshot Client Options dialog, under Configuration parameters.
    - The SYMCquiesce utility must be installed in the virtual machine.

    That is pretty official looking regarding the requirement of the use of the SYMCquiesce utility. If your OS is not mentioned in this block of text, it is not supported. Just like any other Netbackup documents on other matters.



    According "NetBackup (tm) 7.x Operating System Compatibility List (", Debian 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 x86-64 are NetBackup Client supported.

    You are right in saying that Debian is supported, but all that the document is saying is that the Netbackup Client can work with it. The entire document made no mention of "VMware" anywhere, let alone SYMCquiesce.

    That is because for VMware related compatibility details, you are supposed to refer to the NetBackup for VMware 7.5 Administrator's Guide, which in turn would refer you to the Support for NetBackup 7.x in virtual environment document.

    You will find in the latter document that, for the VMware-policy-type using file-level recovery (which is the feature that uses SYMCquiesce), Debian is not on the support list and is therefore not officially supported, even if you managed to successfully convert the install package from rpm to deb.
    In fact, not being on the SYMCquiesce support list nor the VMware-policy-type support list is the entire reason why there is no install package for Debian.

    That means you have to use the traditional client/agent based Standard-policy-type to backup VM Debian clients because, as you pointed out, it is supported by the Netbackup Client according to the OS Compatibility List.

    If you contact Symantec, they will probably refer you to the same places as I have above, if they have not already.

  • you would need to contact your local reseller or technical support if you need to offiicial statement.. .

  • Hello,


    Besides "Requirements for the SYMCquiesce utility; Article:HOWTO44523 | Created: 2011-03-15 | Updated: 2011-03-22", as I said GNU/Linux Debian is officially supported as NetBackup Client.

    So, why is there no SYMCquiesce for Debian?

  • Members here can not provide such question - why Symantec support(or not support) some features on some platform. Only Symantec can provide it.

    As Nagalla said(and as you have already done), you should contact reseller or support.

  • From the NetBackup for VMware 7.5 Administrator's Guide:

    Requirements for the SYMCquiesce utility
    - The SYMCquiesce utility supports the following Linux operating systems:
      - Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 5.4 and later.
      - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 Update 1 and later.

    - The SYMCquiesce utility supports the ext3 and ext4 file systems and the LVM2 volume manager.
    - VMware Tools must be installed in the virtual machine.
    - The VMware Tools services must be running during the backup.
    - The NetBackup Virtual machine quiesce parameter must be enabled. This option is in the NetBackup policy, Snapshot Client Options dialog, under Configuration parameters.
    - The SYMCquiesce utility must be installed in the virtual machine.

    That is pretty official looking regarding the requirement of the use of the SYMCquiesce utility. If your OS is not mentioned in this block of text, it is not supported. Just like any other Netbackup documents on other matters.



    According "NetBackup (tm) 7.x Operating System Compatibility List (", Debian 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 x86-64 are NetBackup Client supported.

    You are right in saying that Debian is supported, but all that the document is saying is that the Netbackup Client can work with it. The entire document made no mention of "VMware" anywhere, let alone SYMCquiesce.

    That is because for VMware related compatibility details, you are supposed to refer to the NetBackup for VMware 7.5 Administrator's Guide, which in turn would refer you to the Support for NetBackup 7.x in virtual environment document.

    You will find in the latter document that, for the VMware-policy-type using file-level recovery (which is the feature that uses SYMCquiesce), Debian is not on the support list and is therefore not officially supported, even if you managed to successfully convert the install package from rpm to deb.
    In fact, not being on the SYMCquiesce support list nor the VMware-policy-type support list is the entire reason why there is no install package for Debian.

    That means you have to use the traditional client/agent based Standard-policy-type to backup VM Debian clients because, as you pointed out, it is supported by the Netbackup Client according to the OS Compatibility List.

    If you contact Symantec, they will probably refer you to the same places as I have above, if they have not already.