Forum Discussion

Manumohan's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

script to get Netbackup exclude list for OS Linux & windows

Can you plese help me to give a good script for netbackup which can get the exclude list details of all client configured in the Master.

I have two platforms 

1. Linux

2. Win 2012

3. Win 2008 R2

Netbackup versions are , , and 7.0.1



  • here's a starting point

    Linux:  bpgetconfig -e /localfilename  clientname | cat /localfilename 

    Windows: bpgetconfig -M clientname | grep Exclude


  • yes... file read failed means.. this specific client does not have the exclude_list file at all.

    if you are looking for all unix client do the below one

    put all list of unix  clients in file /tmp/clientlist and then run below for loop

    for i in `cat /tmp/clientlist`;do  /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpgetconfig -e /tmp/$i  $i ; done 

    once this command is compleated you will have the files in /tmp with client name and with their exclude lists

    like /tmp/client1, /tmp/client2 and so on... 

3 Replies

  • here's a starting point

    Linux:  bpgetconfig -e /localfilename  clientname | cat /localfilename 

    Windows: bpgetconfig -M clientname | grep Exclude


  • Hi Will,

    The command did worked for windows. But Linux it is not working..

    ./bpgetconfig -e /usr/openv/netbackup/exclude_list  clientname (name of the client i have given)

    socket read failed

    The client i seperately checkeed it is syncing well with master. verified under host properties.


    why it is showing "file read failed"  Is that i need to understand no file mentioned for this client (bwdbackup-nb)

    bpgetconfig -e /usr/openv/netbackup/exclude_list  bwdbackup-nb
    file read failed




  • yes... file read failed means.. this specific client does not have the exclude_list file at all.

    if you are looking for all unix client do the below one

    put all list of unix  clients in file /tmp/clientlist and then run below for loop

    for i in `cat /tmp/clientlist`;do  /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpgetconfig -e /tmp/$i  $i ; done 

    once this command is compleated you will have the files in /tmp with client name and with their exclude lists

    like /tmp/client1, /tmp/client2 and so on...