Forum Discussion

NBdmecha's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

serial number mismatch after drive replacement

Hi all,


I´ve tried the solutions found in other post of the forum but didn´t get solved.

Our servers ran Solaris 10 and Netbackup7.

After a drive replacement I did:


   tpautoconf -report_disc

   tpautoconf - replace_drive ... path ... (with the info reported in the previous command)


   restart services

(same procedure than during previous drive changes without failures), but our platform still references the old serial number:

tpconfig -d:

16  Drive_LTO8        hcart  TLD(1)  DRIVE=5
      MISSING_PATH:/dev/rmt/16cbn:1068041083MISSING_PATH:/dev/rmt/16cb UP

user@master $ tpautoconf -report_disc
user@master $

Under Devices\Drives in NB console, clicking on the drive affected I can see the folowing:

Drive_LTO8   nameserver  /dev/rmt/16cbn                                                New serial

Drive_LTO8   nameserver MISSING_PATH:/dev/rmt/16cbn:old_serial    Old serial


How can I update the configuration with the correct serial number?

thanks in advance.

  • OK, so if the foolowing has been done, which I believe it has ...

    You have deleted the drive from the NBU config that has the missing path.

    Even though you have restarted ltid, it is still there.

    If this is true ...

    Two options.

    1.  nbemmcmd -deletealldevices -allrecords

    2.  Log call enquire to the possibility of getting an SQL script to detele the drive from the database directly.


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