Forum Discussion

Deepak_Irani1's avatar
9 years ago

Server is in partially connected state in Symantec NetBackup OpsCenter Analytics

Hi All,

We have issue conncting one of our servers in OpsCenters. 

Netbackup version of master server is 6.5.6

OpsCenter we are using is 

We see data collection is failing for Volume, Volume Group, Volume Pool

Below is the data collection status for above components.

Failed to get connect to event channel :org.omg.CORBA.TRANSIENT: Retries exceeded, couldn't reconnect to null vmcid: 0x0 minor code: 0 completed: No

We have the same issue for one of our other master server running on windows 2000 with netbackup version 6.5 as well.


Any sugestions please


  • OpsCenter requires a separate "Agent" service/daemon to be running to collect certain data from 6.5.x masters. 

    From the 7.6 OpsCenter Admin guide (p34): 

    Note: For NetBackup 6.5.x master servers, you need to have OpsCenter Agent only if you want to collect image, error log, breakup jobs, capacity license, or traditional license data.

    What I've seen in the past is that if you dont have the agent running you can get errors even on data types other than whats listed in the above note.

    Make sure the agent is running and configured correctly in Settings > Configuration > Agent 

  • are you saying 100+ Master server configured in Opscenter?

    Does this 7% memory utilization is equal to minimum of 300 MB Memory?

    Opscenter should configured to use Memory minimum of 50% of the Opscneter DB size..

    does it new Opscenter... 610 MB of opscenter for 100+ Master servers is quite low unless it is now configuration or very small master servers...

9 Replies

  • did you try disable and enabling the data collection for this master server, if you see the same issue ever after that.. Restart the NBSL in master server and see how it goes..

    remember Opscenter 7.6 is the last version to support Netbackup 6.X.

  • HI Ram,

    Yes, we already performed below steps.


    • Disabled/enabled  the data collection on master servers.
    • Recycled NBSL service on master servers.
    • Recycled OpsCenter server services.
    • Disabled/enabled the data collection on master servers.


  • You might have to upgrade your Master Server Version to 7.6 to avoid such issue permanently as we were also facing similar issues in our environment.

  • Okay..what is the OS & memoy utilization of the Opscenter? and what is the Opscenter Database size?

    you might required to do Opscenter tuning ..let me know the above details


  • Have increased our OpsCenter database cache and number of CPUs used and increased OpscenterServer Service heap, which seem to have helped with the connection. Have also set the TCP keepalivetime to 5 minutes instead of the default 2 hours in the underlying windows OS on the OpsCenter server.

    From the technotes:

  • OpsCenter requires a separate "Agent" service/daemon to be running to collect certain data from 6.5.x masters. 

    From the 7.6 OpsCenter Admin guide (p34): 

    Note: For NetBackup 6.5.x master servers, you need to have OpsCenter Agent only if you want to collect image, error log, breakup jobs, capacity license, or traditional license data.

    What I've seen in the past is that if you dont have the agent running you can get errors even on data types other than whats listed in the above note.

    Make sure the agent is running and configured correctly in Settings > Configuration > Agent 

  • * Cycle Services on Master (make sure they are stopped, use bpps)

    * enable / disable data Collect in OpsCenter.

    * Check for hung network sessions ( netstat -an )


    All else fails, disable data collect, cycle the Master server, then enable the data collect. 



  • Hi Ram,

    Our OpsCenter is running on Windows 2008 

    memmory utilizaton is at 7%

    NetbackupDBMT is at 610 MB

    Also, we have 100+ servers added in this OpsCenter. However, we have only 2 servers connecting partially


  • are you saying 100+ Master server configured in Opscenter?

    Does this 7% memory utilization is equal to minimum of 300 MB Memory?

    Opscenter should configured to use Memory minimum of 50% of the Opscneter DB size..

    does it new Opscenter... 610 MB of opscenter for 100+ Master servers is quite low unless it is now configuration or very small master servers...