Forum Discussion

Netbackup_fan's avatar
9 years ago

Server physically down I need to restore form other windows or unix server

Hi experts.

I have a Windows 2003 server physcially down.

I need to restore the backups in another windows server or unix server.

What would be the detailed steps?


The backup id are telpri-eng02_1438739159, and telpri-eng02_1438574302

  • I think you've found the problem...

    ...the master server has a hosts file entry of " vz-ca-wfm01", but you are expecting the restore to go to a server with an IP of

    I think you need to consider, and carefully double check, whether the intended target client is in fact the target that you expect it to be... i.e. whilst an E: drive does appear to exist on server with IP of, it would seem that server with an IP address of does not have an E: drive.  In short, your restore attempt appears to not have been going to the server that you expected/wanted.

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