Forum Discussion

Shailesh_raj72's avatar
11 years ago

SMTP for NetBackup


I need to configure email gateway for backup status for all error codes and some backup reports through scripts.

So that SMTP need to be configured, But I am unable to find the settings where are they located in NB.

I red the admin guide, On master server in Global attribute I added the email ID. Port 25 is also opened.

The SMTP mail server protocol is used for outgoing Email. You can configure
SMTP from theappliance userinterface(Settings>Configuration>SMTPServer).
You can usethefollowingcommands toconfigurethe SMTP serverand add a new
Email account.
Main_Menu > Settings > Alerts > Email SMTP Add

But where is Setting options?

Master server :

OS : Linux

Admin Console : Windows -



  • I red the admin guide, 

    So, did you see the following in the Admin Guide?

    Before emails can be sent, the computing environment must be configured correctly.

    NetBackup uses the mail transfer agent sendmail to send email notifications. Install
    sendmail from the following website and configure the environment accordingly:

    This means that you need to ensure that 'sendmail' is working at OS level and that root user can use mailx command to send email. 

  • You have to use OpsCenter to send email notifications/alerts/reports.


  • I red the admin guide, 

    So, did you see the following in the Admin Guide?

    Before emails can be sent, the computing environment must be configured correctly.

    NetBackup uses the mail transfer agent sendmail to send email notifications. Install
    sendmail from the following website and configure the environment accordingly:

    This means that you need to ensure that 'sendmail' is working at OS level and that root user can use mailx command to send email. 

  • Do a test like this on the command line to see if the mail system has been configured in you're environment

    echo "test" | mailx -s "test mail" -r 

    You need to replace the to and from address with valid mail address in your organization. 

  • If mail is working wherever the site is then I would ask the folks who admin it, they'll be able to tell you about configuring smtp clients...if not then I'd not implemented it, rather I'd ask up the tree about how to get something implemented. Simply implementing something to satisfy your needs could  and should raise questions that should result in a secure and managed implementation, as opposed to ad hoc.

    Other solutions and answers are available.


  •  Hi Team,


    echo "Test of Mail body" | mail -s "Mail subject" ""  working fine.

    I have to set mail for all backup status.

    What setting I have to do.