Forum Discussion

EUB's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

Solaris 11 backup fails with code 6

Hi, all!

2 client servers on Solaris 11 SPARC fails backup with status code 6

Harware-2 same M5000 servers.

NB server version-

NB Clients version-7.5

Backups shedulled every 2 hours(via Oracle RMAN)

Not new policies,workin well for a long time.

Not every backup fails, just few in a day.

Activity Monitor shows messages like that:

24.07.2015 5:03:38 - mounted; mount time: 0:00:46
24.07.2015 5:03:46 - positioning 000080 to file 1819
24.07.2015 5:05:19 - positioned 000080; position time: 0:01:33
24.07.2015 5:05:19 - begin writing
24.07.2015 5:05:25 - Info dbclient(pid=948) dbclient(pid=948) wrote first buffer(size=262144)         
24.07.2015 5:05:28 - Info dbclient(pid=948) done. status: 6          
24.07.2015 5:05:28 - Info bptm(pid=8068) waited for full buffer 91 times, delayed 533 times    
24.07.2015 5:05:34 - Info bptm(pid=8068) EXITING with status 0 <----------        
24.07.2015 5:05:34 - Info dbclient(pid=948) done. status: 6: the backup failed to back up the requested files 
24.07.2015 5:05:34 - end writing; write time: 0:00:15
the backup failed to back up the requested files(6)


In log files of master server (Windows) apperas next:

status: RETRY, (42) CONNECT_REFUSED; system: (10061) No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. ; FROM TO bpcd VIA pbx
 status: RETRY, (42) CONNECT_REFUSED; system: (10061) No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. ; FROM TO bpcd VIA pbx

In log files of client machine:

RMAN log:
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03009: failure of backup command on ORA_SBT_TAPE_1 channel at 07/24/2015 05:05:42
ORA-19501: read error on file "/archive/BPM/SOA7/autobackup/control_autobackupc-2229199251-20150723-0f", block number 1024 (block size=16384)
ORA-27063: number of bytes read/written is incorrect
SVR4 Error: 13: Permission denied
Additional information: -1
Additional information: 1048576
ORA-19600: input file is backup piece  (/archive/BPM/SOA7/autobackup/control_autobackupc-2229199251-20150723-0f)
ORA-19601: output file is backup piece  (c-2229199251-20150723-0f)

dbclient log:
05:05:25.535 [948] <2> int_WriteData: INF - writing buffer # 1 of size 262144
05:05:28.570 [948] <2> int_CloseImage: INF - Backup - closing <c-2229199251-20150723-0f>
05:05:28.570 [948] <8> close_image: Session being terminated abnormally, cleaning up
05:05:28.579 [948] <4> close_image: INF - backup FAILED
05:05:28.579 [948] <4> close_image: INF ---- end of Backup ---

user_ops/dbext/logs log:
04:55:38 INF - Waiting in NetBackup scheduler work queue on server
04:57:38 INF - Waiting in NetBackup scheduler work queue on server
04:59:38 INF - Waiting in NetBackup scheduler work queue on server
05:01:38 INF - Waiting in NetBackup scheduler work queue on server
05:02:29 INF - Starting bpbrm
05:02:47 INF - Data socket =;7ee8d250ca8307de5b76d909180c150e;11;300
05:02:47 INF - Name socket =;107997bc48797bd5f1876a1b7a2d8270;11;300
05:02:47 INF - Job id = 179159
05:02:48 INF - Backup id = kzsbpm1rdbms.eub.kz_1437692544
05:02:48 INF - Backup time = 1437692544
05:02:48 INF - Policy name = KZSBPM1RDBMS_SOA7_RMAN
05:02:48 INF - Snapshot = 0
05:02:48 INF - Frozen image = 0
05:02:49 INF - Backup copy = 0
05:02:49 INF - Master server =
05:02:49 INF - Media server =
05:02:49 INF - Multiplexing = 0
05:02:49 INF - New data socket =;6846e5a4cadd26981d27ac6154991e62;11;300
05:02:50 INF - Encrypt = 0
05:02:50 INF - Use shared memory = 0
05:02:50 INF - Compression = 0
05:02:51 INF - Encrypt = 0
05:02:51 INF - Keep logs = 28
05:02:51 INF - Client read timeout = 300
05:02:51 INF - Media mount timeout = 0
05:02:53 INF - Waiting for mount of media id 000080 on server for writing
05:03:43 INF - Mounted media id 000080
05:05:25 INF - Beginning backup on server of client
05:05:35 INF - Server status = 6
05:05:40 INF - Backup by oracle on client using policy KZSBPM1RDBMS_SOA7_RMAN, sched Default-Application-Backup:the backup failed to back up the requested files

vnetd log:
05:05:22.356 [1114] <2> vnet_registerPBXServer: ../../libvlibs/vnet_pbx.c.120: pbxRegisterEx failed with error 146:Connection refused
05:05:22.356 [1114] <2> daemon_select_and_accept: vnet_registerPBXServer() failed: 47
05:05:22.358 [1470] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:635] msg VNETD ACCEPT FROM TO fd = 8
05:05:22.370 [1470] <8> vnet_version_accept: [vnetd.c:1092] *actual_version 11 0xb
05:05:22.372 [1470] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:731] msg Request VN_REQUEST_PBX_C_SUPPORTED(13)
05:05:22.372 [1470] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:733] status 0 0x0
05:05:22.591 [1470] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:697] msg Request VN_REQUEST_SERVICE_SOCKET(6)
05:05:22.718 [1470] <8> process_service_socket: [vnetd.c:1497] service_name bpcd
05:05:22.719 [1470] <8> vnet_send_network_socket: [vnet_vnetd.c:1400] hash_str2 
05:05:22.719 [1470] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:699] status 0 0x0
05:05:22.724 [1114] <2> vnet_registerPBXServer: ../../libvlibs/vnet_pbx.c.120: pbxRegisterEx failed with error 146:Connection refused
05:05:22.724 [1114] <2> daemon_select_and_accept: vnet_registerPBXServer() failed: 47
05:05:23.842 [1114] <2> vnet_registerPBXServer: ../../libvlibs/vnet_pbx.c.120: pbxRegisterEx failed with error 146:Connection refused
05:05:23.843 [1114] <2> daemon_select_and_accept: vnet_registerPBXServer() failed: 47
05:05:23.844 [1473] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:635] msg VNETD ACCEPT FROM TO fd = 8
05:05:23.854 [1473] <8> vnet_version_accept: [vnetd.c:1092] *actual_version 11 0xb
05:05:23.862 [1473] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:731] msg Request VN_REQUEST_PBX_C_SUPPORTED(13)
05:05:23.862 [1473] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:733] status 0 0x0
05:05:24.075 [1473] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:718] msg Request VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET(10)
05:05:24.076 [1473] <8> vnet_generate_hashes: [vnet_vnetd.c:1592] hash_str1 47afb446cb50b944a7bd47e8f0ac3b68
05:05:24.076 [1473] <8> vnet_generate_hashes: [vnet_vnetd.c:1593] hash_str2 866ca61b4e2969fc0acf4c0f9ae37423
05:05:24.076 [1473] <8> process_connect_forward_socket: [vnetd.c:1972] ipc_string /tmp/vnet-01473437692724075945000006446-Rnai4c
05:05:24.406 [1473] <8> vnet_send_network_socket: [vnet_vnetd.c:1400] hash_str2 866ca61b4e2969fc0acf4c0f9ae37423
05:05:24.407 [1473] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:720] status 0 0x0
05:05:24.411 [1114] <2> vnet_registerPBXServer: ../../libvlibs/vnet_pbx.c.120: pbxRegisterEx failed with error 146:Connection refused
05:05:24.411 [1114] <2> daemon_select_and_accept: vnet_registerPBXServer() failed: 47
05:05:37.955 [1114] <2> vnet_registerPBXServer: ../../libvlibs/vnet_pbx.c.120: pbxRegisterEx failed with error 146:Connection refused
05:05:37.956 [1114] <2> daemon_select_and_accept: vnet_registerPBXServer() failed: 47
05:05:37.957 [1477] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:635] msg VNETD ACCEPT FROM TO fd = 8
05:05:37.960 [1477] <8> vnet_version_accept: [vnetd.c:1092] *actual_version 11 0xb
05:05:37.962 [1477] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:731] msg Request VN_REQUEST_PBX_C_SUPPORTED(13)
05:05:37.962 [1477] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:733] status 0 0x0
05:05:37.971 [1114] <2> vnet_registerPBXServer: ../../libvlibs/vnet_pbx.c.120: pbxRegisterEx failed with error 146:Connection refused
05:05:37.971 [1114] <2> daemon_select_and_accept: vnet_registerPBXServer() failed: 47
05:05:37.972 [1478] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:635] msg VNETD ACCEPT FROM TO fd = 8
05:05:37.988 [1478] <8> vnet_version_accept: [vnetd.c:1092] *actual_version 11 0xb
05:05:37.999 [1478] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:731] msg Request VN_REQUEST_PBX_C_SUPPORTED(13)
05:05:37.999 [1478] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:733] status 0 0x0
05:05:38.180 [1477] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:697] msg Request VN_REQUEST_SERVICE_SOCKET(6)
05:05:38.209 [1478] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:697] msg Request VN_REQUEST_SERVICE_SOCKET(6)
05:05:38.300 [1477] <8> process_service_socket: [vnetd.c:1497] service_name bpcd
05:05:38.301 [1477] <8> vnet_send_network_socket: [vnet_vnetd.c:1400] hash_str2 
05:05:38.301 [1477] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:699] status 0 0x0
05:05:38.306 [1114] <2> vnet_registerPBXServer: ../../libvlibs/vnet_pbx.c.120: pbxRegisterEx failed with error 146:Connection refused
05:05:38.306 [1114] <2> daemon_select_and_accept: vnet_registerPBXServer() failed: 47
05:05:38.331 [1478] <8> process_service_socket: [vnetd.c:1497] service_name bpcd
05:05:38.332 [1478] <8> vnet_send_network_socket: [vnet_vnetd.c:1400] hash_str2 
05:05:38.333 [1478] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:699] status 0 0x0
05:05:38.337 [1114] <2> vnet_registerPBXServer: ../../libvlibs/vnet_pbx.c.120: pbxRegisterEx failed with error 146:Connection refused
05:05:38.337 [1114] <2> daemon_select_and_accept: vnet_registerPBXServer() failed: 47
05:05:39.347 [1114] <2> vnet_registerPBXServer: ../../libvlibs/vnet_pbx.c.120: pbxRegisterEx failed with error 146:Connection refused
05:05:39.347 [1114] <2> daemon_select_and_accept: vnet_registerPBXServer() failed: 47
05:05:39.348 [1481] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:635] msg VNETD ACCEPT FROM TO fd = 8
05:05:39.363 [1481] <8> vnet_version_accept: [vnetd.c:1092] *actual_version 11 0xb
05:05:39.365 [1481] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:731] msg Request VN_REQUEST_PBX_C_SUPPORTED(13)
05:05:39.365 [1481] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:733] status 0 0x0
05:05:39.393 [1114] <2> vnet_registerPBXServer: ../../libvlibs/vnet_pbx.c.120: pbxRegisterEx failed with error 146:Connection refused
05:05:39.394 [1114] <2> daemon_select_and_accept: vnet_registerPBXServer() failed: 47
05:05:39.395 [1482] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:635] msg VNETD ACCEPT FROM TO fd = 8
05:05:39.408 [1482] <8> vnet_version_accept: [vnetd.c:1092] *actual_version 11 0xb
05:05:39.410 [1482] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:731] msg Request VN_REQUEST_PBX_C_SUPPORTED(13)
05:05:39.410 [1482] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:733] status 0 0x0
05:05:39.580 [1481] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:718] msg Request VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET(10)
05:05:39.580 [1481] <8> vnet_generate_hashes: [vnet_vnetd.c:1592] hash_str1 095753ef74264d5a8d85d7f25b2c2b02
05:05:39.580 [1481] <8> vnet_generate_hashes: [vnet_vnetd.c:1593] hash_str2 f3bdb5b113d608ecf9aabbc675e6079a
05:05:39.580 [1481] <8> process_connect_forward_socket: [vnetd.c:1972] ipc_string /tmp/vnet-01481437692739580419000006446-8_ai5c
05:05:39.622 [1482] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:718] msg Request VN_REQUEST_CONNECT_FORWARD_SOCKET(10)
05:05:39.623 [1482] <8> vnet_generate_hashes: [vnet_vnetd.c:1592] hash_str1 b2999846c37ef6234b670be146b793e7
05:05:39.623 [1482] <8> vnet_generate_hashes: [vnet_vnetd.c:1593] hash_str2 32c0dd8440f0e6d7538b74a1f9712795
05:05:39.623 [1482] <8> process_connect_forward_socket: [vnetd.c:1972] ipc_string /tmp/vnet-01482437692739623212000006446-Naaq5c
05:05:39.945 [1481] <8> vnet_send_network_socket: [vnet_vnetd.c:1400] hash_str2 f3bdb5b113d608ecf9aabbc675e6079a
05:05:39.945 [1482] <8> vnet_send_network_socket: [vnet_vnetd.c:1400] hash_str2 32c0dd8440f0e6d7538b74a1f9712795
05:05:39.946 [1482] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:720] status 0 0x0
05:05:39.946 [1481] <8> ProcessRequests: [vnetd.c:720] status 0 0x0
05:05:39.951 [1114] <2> vnet_registerPBXServer: ../../libvlibs/vnet_pbx.c.120: pbxRegisterEx failed with error 146:Connection refused

Is it any hotfix for Solaris client? Or latest version of agent, for example.

Makin all moves described in NetBackup status codes about "NetBackup status code: 6"

With best regards


  • Check the bp.conf file on the client and make sure that you have a MEDIA_SERVER=name entry for the media server performing the backup - and a SERVER=name entry for the name of the master server.

    If the media server is clustered you will need a MEDIA_SERVER=name entry for each node in the media server cluster and the cluster VIP name.

    If the master server is clustered you will need a SERVER=name entry for the cluster VIP name of the resource group for the clustered instance of the NetBackup Master server, and sometimes some admins like to add a SERVER=name entry for each clustered master server member node too, but if your routing is good then you shouldn't need the member node names as SERVER=name on the client.

1 Reply

  • Check the bp.conf file on the client and make sure that you have a MEDIA_SERVER=name entry for the media server performing the backup - and a SERVER=name entry for the name of the master server.

    If the media server is clustered you will need a MEDIA_SERVER=name entry for each node in the media server cluster and the cluster VIP name.

    If the master server is clustered you will need a SERVER=name entry for the cluster VIP name of the resource group for the clustered instance of the NetBackup Master server, and sometimes some admins like to add a SERVER=name entry for each clustered master server member node too, but if your routing is good then you shouldn't need the member node names as SERVER=name on the client.