Forum Discussion

gkman's avatar
Level 5
8 years ago

sql backups are partially successful

Hi to all.

I have an sql backup that partially succeeds (ends with status 1) . in the details of the job I can see a list of all the failed databases:

07/27/2016 12:19:21 - Info dbclient (pid=3868) INF - The following object(s) were not backed up successfully.
07/27/2016 12:19:21 - Info dbclient (pid=3868) INF - master
07/27/2016 12:19:21 - Info dbclient (pid=3868) INF - msdb
07/27/2016 12:19:21 - Info dbclient (pid=3868) INF - Profile_DB
07/27/2016 12:19:21 - Info dbclient (pid=3868) INF - Search_Service_Application_Hadassah_AnalyticsReportingStoreDB_d50fa820052f4ff58334c0d040c05852
07/27/2016 12:19:21 - Info dbclient (pid=3868) INF - Search_Service_Application_Hadassah_CrawlStoreDB_37844f58039d4b858632d9ef2ff5d471
07/27/2016 12:19:21 - Info dbclient (pid=3868) INF - Search_Service_Application_Hadassah_DB_9b4682c331a14d469030bcc49c13872f
07/27/2016 12:19:22 - Info dbclient (pid=3868) INF - Search_Service_Application_Hadassah_LinksStoreDB_12cf8a58253a4fac82e74c9347d96efe
07/27/2016 12:19:22 - Info dbclient (pid=3868) INF - Social_DB
07/27/2016 12:19:22 - Info dbclient (pid=3868) INF - Sync_DB
07/27/2016 12:19:22 - Info dbclient (pid=3868) INF - WSS_Logging

which makes sense since they are all in simple recovery mode, however the database I am interested in is not listed as a failed database backup. I actually noticed I have a failed backup because the disk was getting full which led me to check the sql logs:

07/25/2016 12:06:58,Backup,Unknown,BACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP LOG Mysite101. Check the backup application log for detailed messages.

I checked the mssql_backup_failures logs and found the error:

INFO The api was waiting and the timeout interval had elapsed.

so I increased the VDI timeout and since I have stopped getting any errors regarding the database in the mssql_backup_failures logs, but the backup keeps failing.


I moved on to check the dbclient logs:


11:39:17.992 [1260.4416] <4> CDBbackrec::ProcessAvailabilityGroupBackup: INF - Database <Mysite101> is not participating in an availability group.

11:39:17.992 [1260.4416] <4> DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN <NBMSSQL_1260_1956_11>, SQL userid <sa> handle <0x020b4290>.

11:39:17.996 [1260.4416] <4> DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle <0x020b4290>

11:39:17.996 [1260.4416] <4> DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN <NBMSSQL_1260_1956_11>, SQL userid <sa> handle <0x020b4290>.

11:39:18.000 [1260.4416] <4> DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle <0x020b4290>

11:39:18.000 [1260.4416] <4> DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN <NBMSSQL_1260_1956_11>, SQL userid <sa> handle <0x020b4290>.

11:39:18.004 [1260.4416] <4> DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle <0x020b4290>

11:39:18.004 [1260.4416] <4> DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN <NBMSSQL_1260_1956_11>, SQL userid <sa> handle <0x020b4290>.

11:39:18.008 [1260.4416] <4> DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle <0x020b4290>

11:39:18.008 [1260.4416] <4> Dbbackrec::PerformNBOperation: INF - BACKUP STARTED USING Microsoft SQL Server 2014 - 12.0.2000.8 (X64)  Feb 20 2014 20:04:26  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.3 <X64> (Build 9600: ) (Hypervisor)  Batch = C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\DbExt\MsSql\transaction.bch, Op# = 5

11:39:18.024 [1260.4416] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded

11:39:18.024 [1260.4416] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1060

11:39:18.104 [1260.4416] <4> InitPipeInfo: INF - Using backup image SP13-DB.MSSQL7.SP13-DB.trx.Mysite101.~.7.001of001.20160727113916..C

11:39:18.118 [1260.4416] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded

11:39:18.118 [1260.4416] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1060

11:39:18.210 [1260.4416] <4> Dbbackrec::CreateSQLcmdSyntax: INF - backup log "Mysite101" to VIRTUAL_DEVICE='VNBU0-1260-4416-1469608758' with  stats = 10, blocksize = 65536, maxtransfersize = 4194304, buffercount = 2

11:39:18.214 [1260.4416] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded

11:39:18.214 [1260.4416] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1208

11:39:18.230 [1260.1848] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded

11:39:18.230 [1260.1848] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1160

11:39:18.325 [1260.4416] <4> Dbbackrec::CreateSQLcmdSyntax: INF - Number of stripes: 1, Number of buffers per stripe 2.

11:39:18.375 [1260.1848] <4> DBthreads::dbclient: INF - Instance\Database is <MSSQLSERVER\Mysite101>

11:39:18.389 [1260.4416] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded

11:39:18.389 [1260.4416] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1208

11:39:18.502 [1260.4416] <4> DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN <NBMSSQL_1260_1956_11>, SQL userid <sa> handle <0x00bde640>.

11:39:18.508 [1260.4416] <4> CDBbackrec::InitDeviceSet(): INF - Created VDI object for SQL Server instance <SP13-DB>. Connection timeout is <300> seconds.

11:39:18.513 [1260.4416] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded

11:39:18.513 [1260.4416] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1276

11:39:18.682 [1260.1848] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded

11:39:18.682 [1260.1848] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1056

11:39:26.738 [1260.1848] <4> serverResponse: Not a candidate for alternate buffer method: shared memory is not in use.

11:39:33.794 [1260.3644] <4> DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN <NBMSSQL_1260_1956_11>, SQL userid <sa> handle <0x020b53c0>.

11:39:33.799 [1260.3644] <2> CDBbackcat::GetBackupWaitTimeFromCfg: DBG - Using a backup wait timeout from the BSA environment variable NBBSA_CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT

11:39:33.799 [1260.3644] <2> CDBbackcat::GetSysBackupTime: DBG - Waiting for SQL Server to update it's backup history for up to 3600 second(s)

11:39:34.815 [1260.3644] <2> CDBbackcat::GetSysBackupTime: DBG - Succeeded in getting the backup timestamps from SQL Server after 1 retry(ies)

11:39:34.815 [1260.3644] <4> DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle <0x020b53c0>

11:39:34.816 [1260.4416] <8> CODBCaccess::LogODBCerr: WARN - ODBC return code <1>, SQL State <01000>, SQL Message <3211><[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]100 percent processed.>.

11:39:34.816 [1260.4416] <8> CODBCaccess::LogODBCerr: WARN - SQL Message <4035><[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Processed 10 pages for database 'Mysite101', file 'Mysite101_log' on file 1.>

11:39:34.816 [1260.4416] <8> CODBCaccess::LogODBCerr: WARN - SQL Message <3014><[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]BACKUP LOG successfully processed 10 pages in 0.006 seconds (11.881 MB/sec).>

11:39:34.816 [1260.1848] <4> DBthreads::dbclient: INF - Thread has been closed for stripe #0

11:39:34.832 [1260.1848] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded

11:39:34.832 [1260.1848] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1212

11:39:34.909 [1260.1848] <4> DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN <NBMSSQL_1260_1956_11>, SQL userid <sa> handle <0x020b4290>.

11:39:34.914 [1260.1848] <4> DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle <0x020b4290>

11:39:34.914 [1260.1848] <4> DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN <NBMSSQL_1260_1956_11>, SQL userid <sa> handle <0x020b4290>.

11:39:34.919 [1260.1848] <4> DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle <0x020b4290>

11:39:34.919 [1260.1848] <4> DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN <NBMSSQL_1260_1956_11>, SQL userid <sa> handle <0x020b4290>.

11:39:34.923 [1260.1848] <4> DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN <NBMSSQL_1260_1956_11>, SQL userid <sa> handle <0x020b5a10>.

11:39:34.929 [1260.1848] <4> DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle <0x020b5a10>

11:39:34.931 [1260.1848] <4> DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle <0x020b4290>

11:39:40.047 [1260.4416] <4> DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle <0x00bde640>

11:39:40.047 [1260.4416] <4> Dbbackrec::Perform: INF - OPERATION #5 of batch C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\DbExt\MsSql\transaction.bch SUCCEEDED with STATUS 0 (0 is normal). Elapsed time = 24(1) seconds


I can't figure out what the problem is and was hoping for help.
my client, master and media servers are all version 7.7.2

2 Replies

  • The times on the logs don't line up. Put the db with the issue in its own policy/script and run it again.


    Then post the logs/errors.

    • gkman's avatar
      Level 5

      Seemed I got a little confused with the logs...

      turns out that only full backups are written in the the sql log viewer. transaction log backups are not written there at all.

      reviewing the dbclient log after a fresh log backup there doesn't seem any errors. however the logs are still not shrinking (for example another DB that its logs reached 10 GB):

      14:35:20.514 [3696.5908] &lt;4&gt; CDBbackrec::CDBbackrec: INF - Use standard backup method with policy &lt;SQL_Transaction&gt;.
      14:35:21.615 [3696.5940] &lt;4&gt; CDBbackrec::ProcessAvailabilityGroupBackup: INF - Database &lt;WSS_Content_portal&gt; is not participating in an availability group.
      14:35:21.615 [3696.5940] &lt;4&gt; DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN &lt;NBMSSQL_3696_5908_37&gt;, SQL userid &lt;sa&gt; handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;.
      14:35:21.619 [3696.5940] &lt;4&gt; DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;
      14:35:21.619 [3696.5940] &lt;4&gt; DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN &lt;NBMSSQL_3696_5908_37&gt;, SQL userid &lt;sa&gt; handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;.
      14:35:21.622 [3696.5940] &lt;4&gt; DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;
      14:35:21.623 [3696.5940] &lt;4&gt; DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN &lt;NBMSSQL_3696_5908_37&gt;, SQL userid &lt;sa&gt; handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;.
      14:35:21.626 [3696.5940] &lt;4&gt; DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;
      14:35:21.626 [3696.5940] &lt;4&gt; DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN &lt;NBMSSQL_3696_5908_37&gt;, SQL userid &lt;sa&gt; handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;.
      14:35:21.629 [3696.5940] &lt;4&gt; DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;
      14:35:21.629 [3696.5940] &lt;4&gt; Dbbackrec::PerformNBOperation: INF - BACKUP STARTED USING Microsoft SQL Server 2014 - 12.0.2000.8 (X64)  Feb 20 2014 20:04:26  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.3 &lt;X64&gt; (Build 9600: ) (Hypervisor)  Batch = C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\DbExt\MsSql\transaction.bch, Op# = 18
      14:35:21.635 [3696.5940] &lt;2&gt; vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
      14:35:21.635 [3696.5940] &lt;2&gt; logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1004
      14:35:21.720 [3696.5940] &lt;4&gt; InitPipeInfo: INF - Using backup image SP13-DB.MSSQL7.SP13-DB.trx.WSS_Content_portal.~.7.001of001.20160728143520..C
      14:35:21.732 [3696.5940] &lt;2&gt; vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
      14:35:21.733 [3696.5940] &lt;2&gt; logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1004
      14:35:21.810 [3696.5940] &lt;4&gt; Dbbackrec::CreateSQLcmdSyntax: INF - backup log "WSS_Content_portal" to VIRTUAL_DEVICE='VNBU0-3696-5940-1469705721' with  stats = 10, blocksize = 65536, maxtransfersize = 4194304, buffercount = 2
      14:35:21.823 [3696.5940] &lt;2&gt; vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
      14:35:21.824 [3696.5940] &lt;2&gt; logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1076
      14:35:21.838 [3696.6052] &lt;2&gt; vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
      14:35:21.839 [3696.6052] &lt;2&gt; logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1272
      14:35:21.907 [3696.5940] &lt;4&gt; Dbbackrec::CreateSQLcmdSyntax: INF - Number of stripes: 1, Number of buffers per stripe 2.
      14:35:21.961 [3696.6052] &lt;4&gt; DBthreads::dbclient: INF - Instance\Database is &lt;MSSQLSERVER\WSS_Content_portal&gt;
      14:35:21.974 [3696.5940] &lt;2&gt; vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
      14:35:21.974 [3696.5940] &lt;2&gt; logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1076
      14:35:22.059 [3696.5940] &lt;4&gt; DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN &lt;NBMSSQL_3696_5908_37&gt;, SQL userid &lt;sa&gt; handle &lt;0x0110e640&gt;.
      14:35:22.065 [3696.5940] &lt;4&gt; CDBbackrec::InitDeviceSet(): INF - Created VDI object for SQL Server instance &lt;SP13-DB&gt;. Connection timeout is &lt;300&gt; seconds.
      14:35:22.079 [3696.5940] &lt;2&gt; vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
      14:35:22.079 [3696.5940] &lt;2&gt; logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1428
      14:35:22.184 [3696.6052] &lt;2&gt; vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
      14:35:22.184 [3696.6052] &lt;2&gt; logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1244
      14:35:30.244 [3696.6052] &lt;4&gt; serverResponse: Not a candidate for alternate buffer method: shared memory is not in use.
      14:35:40.364 [3696.660] &lt;4&gt; DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN &lt;NBMSSQL_3696_5908_37&gt;, SQL userid &lt;sa&gt; handle &lt;0x025853c0&gt;.
      14:35:40.369 [3696.660] &lt;2&gt; CDBbackcat::GetBackupWaitTimeFromCfg: DBG - Using a backup wait timeout from the BSA environment variable NBBSA_CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT
      14:35:40.369 [3696.660] &lt;2&gt; CDBbackcat::GetSysBackupTime: DBG - Waiting for SQL Server to update it's backup history for up to 3600 second(s)
      14:35:41.380 [3696.660] &lt;2&gt; CDBbackcat::GetSysBackupTime: DBG - Succeeded in getting the backup timestamps from SQL Server after 1 retry(ies)
      14:35:41.380 [3696.660] &lt;4&gt; DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle &lt;0x025853c0&gt;
      14:35:41.380 [3696.6052] &lt;4&gt; DBthreads::dbclient: INF - Thread has been closed for stripe #0
      14:35:41.394 [3696.6052] &lt;2&gt; vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
      14:35:41.394 [3696.6052] &lt;2&gt; logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1064
      14:35:41.467 [3696.6052] &lt;4&gt; DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN &lt;NBMSSQL_3696_5908_37&gt;, SQL userid &lt;sa&gt; handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;.
      14:35:41.471 [3696.6052] &lt;4&gt; DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;
      14:35:41.472 [3696.6052] &lt;4&gt; DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN &lt;NBMSSQL_3696_5908_37&gt;, SQL userid &lt;sa&gt; handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;.
      14:35:41.476 [3696.6052] &lt;4&gt; DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;
      14:35:41.476 [3696.6052] &lt;4&gt; DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN &lt;NBMSSQL_3696_5908_37&gt;, SQL userid &lt;sa&gt; handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;.
      14:35:41.480 [3696.6052] &lt;4&gt; DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN &lt;NBMSSQL_3696_5908_37&gt;, SQL userid &lt;sa&gt; handle &lt;0x02585a10&gt;.
      14:35:41.485 [3696.6052] &lt;4&gt; DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle &lt;0x02585a10&gt;
      14:35:41.487 [3696.6052] &lt;4&gt; DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;
      14:35:43.163 [3696.5940] &lt;8&gt; CODBCaccess::LogODBCerr: WARN - ODBC return code &lt;1&gt;, SQL State &lt;01000&gt;, SQL Message &lt;3211&gt;&lt;[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]100 percent processed.&gt;.
      14:35:43.163 [3696.5940] &lt;8&gt; CODBCaccess::LogODBCerr: WARN - SQL Message &lt;4035&gt;&lt;[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Processed 493 pages for database 'WSS_Content_portal', file 'WSS_Content_portal_log' on file 1.&gt;
      14:35:43.163 [3696.5940] &lt;8&gt; CODBCaccess::LogODBCerr: WARN - SQL Message &lt;3014&gt;&lt;[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]BACKUP LOG successfully processed 493 pages in 0.097 seconds (39.656 MB/sec).&gt;
      14:35:45.602 [3696.5940] &lt;4&gt; DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle &lt;0x0110e640&gt;
      14:35:45.603 [3696.5940] &lt;4&gt; Dbbackrec::Perform: INF - OPERATION #18 of batch C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\DbExt\MsSql\transaction.bch SUCCEEDED with STATUS 0 (0 is normal). Elapsed time = 25(1) seconds
      14:35:45.618 [3696.5940] &lt;2&gt; vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
      14:35:45.619 [3696.5940] &lt;2&gt; logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 1040
      14:35:47.716 [3696.5908] &lt;4&gt; CGlobalInformation::CreateDSN: INF - Using ODBC Driver &lt;SQL Server Native Client 11.0&gt;
      14:35:47.718 [3696.5908] &lt;4&gt; DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN &lt;NBMSSQL_3696_5908_39&gt;, SQL userid &lt;sa&gt; handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;.
      14:35:47.723 [3696.5908] &lt;4&gt; CGlobalInformation::CreateDSN: INF - A successful connection to SQL Server &lt;SP13-DB\&gt; has been made using standard security with DSN &lt;NBMSSQL_3696_5908_39&gt;
      14:35:47.723 [3696.5908] &lt;4&gt; DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;
      14:35:47.723 [3696.5908] &lt;4&gt; DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN &lt;NBMSSQL_3696_5908_39&gt;, SQL userid &lt;sa&gt; handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;.
      14:35:47.728 [3696.5908] &lt;4&gt; DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;
      14:35:47.728 [3696.5908] &lt;4&gt; DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN &lt;NBMSSQL_3696_5908_39&gt;, SQL userid &lt;sa&gt; handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;.
      14:35:47.734 [3696.5908] &lt;4&gt; DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;
      14:35:47.734 [3696.5908] &lt;4&gt; CDBbackcat::GetVirtualServer: INF - Accessing database instance &lt;SP13-DB&gt; on server &lt;SP13-DB&gt;.
      14:35:47.734 [3696.5908] &lt;4&gt; CGlobalInformation::CreateDSN: INF - Creating an APPLICATION_INTENT=ReadOnly DSN
      14:35:47.734 [3696.5908] &lt;4&gt; CGlobalInformation::CreateDSN: INF - Using ODBC Driver &lt;SQL Server Native Client 11.0&gt;
      14:35:47.736 [3696.5908] &lt;4&gt; DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN &lt;NBMSSQL_3696_5908_40&gt;, SQL userid &lt;sa&gt; handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;.
      14:35:47.740 [3696.5908] &lt;4&gt; CGlobalInformation::CreateDSN: INF - A successful connection to SQL Server &lt;SP13-DB\&gt; has been made using standard security with DSN &lt;NBMSSQL_3696_5908_40&gt;
      14:35:47.740 [3696.5908] &lt;4&gt; DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;
      14:35:47.741 [3696.5908] &lt;4&gt; CDBbackrec::CDBbackrec: INF - Use standard backup method with policy &lt;SQL_Transaction&gt;.
      14:35:48.842 [3696.3092] &lt;4&gt; CDBbackrec::ProcessAvailabilityGroupBackup: INF - Database &lt;WSS_Logging&gt; is not participating in an availability group.
      14:35:48.842 [3696.3092] &lt;4&gt; DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN &lt;NBMSSQL_3696_5908_39&gt;, SQL userid &lt;sa&gt; handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;.
      14:35:48.849 [3696.3092] &lt;4&gt; DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;
      14:35:48.850 [3696.3092] &lt;4&gt; DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN &lt;NBMSSQL_3696_5908_39&gt;, SQL userid &lt;sa&gt; handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;.
      14:35:48.855 [3696.3092] &lt;4&gt; DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;
      14:35:48.856 [3696.3092] &lt;4&gt; DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN &lt;NBMSSQL_3696_5908_39&gt;, SQL userid &lt;sa&gt; handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;.
      14:35:48.861 [3696.3092] &lt;4&gt; DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;
      14:35:48.861 [3696.3092] &lt;4&gt; DBConnect: INF - Logging into SQL Server with DSN &lt;NBMSSQL_3696_5908_39&gt;, SQL userid &lt;sa&gt; handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;.
      14:35:48.866 [3696.3092] &lt;4&gt; DBDisconnect: INF - Logging out of SQL Server with handle &lt;0x02584290&gt;
      14:35:48.866 [3696.3092] &lt;16&gt; Dbbackrec::PerformNBOperation: USER - Operation inhibited by NetBackup for Microsoft SQL Server: Only a full or incremental database backup can be performed on database &lt;WSS_Logging&gt; because it uses the simple recovery model or has 'truncate log on checkpoint' set.
      14:35:48.882 [3696.3092] &lt;2&gt; vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
      14:35:48.883 [3696.3092] &lt;2&gt; logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 956
      14:35:49.012 [3696.3092] &lt;4&gt; getServerName: Read server name from nb_master_config: puredisk
      14:35:49.026 [3696.3092] &lt;2&gt; vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
      14:35:49.027 [3696.3092] &lt;2&gt; logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 956
      14:35:50.716 [3696.3092] &lt;4&gt; Dbbackrec::Perform: INF - OPERATION #19 of batch C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\DbExt\MsSql\transaction.bch FAILED with STATUS 1 (0 is normal). Elapsed time = 3(3) seconds.
      14:35:50.729 [3696.3092] &lt;2&gt; vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
      14:35:50.730 [3696.3092] &lt;2&gt; logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 956
      14:35:52.827 [3696.5908] &lt;4&gt; CDBbackmain::dbbackup: INF - Results of executing &lt;C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\DbExt\MsSql\transaction.bch&gt;:  &lt;9&gt; operations succeeded. &lt;10&gt; operations failed.
      14:35:52.831 [3696.5908] &lt;2&gt; vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded