Forum Discussion

sushilyadav088's avatar
8 years ago

Status 12 Unable to write progress log


We are trying to configure SAP DB archive backups but backups are failing with below error.

03/30/2017 13:30:01 - Error bprd (pid=14235) Unable to write progress log </sapdb/DDA/backup/logdir/bparchive.log> on client ddxdb. Policy=DV_UNIX_DB_SP_ACH Sched=manual-backup
03/30/2017 13:30:01 - Error bprd (pid=14235) CLIENT ddxdb POLICY DV_UNIX_DB_SP_ACH SCHED manual-backup EXIT STATUS 12 (file open failed)


Below is the Archive script on client end

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bparchive -p DV_UNIX_DB_SP_ACH -s manual-backup -L ${LOG_DIR}/bparchive.log -S -f ${TMP_DIR}/archlist >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1

5 Replies

    • sushilyadav088's avatar
      Level 4

      Hi Quebek,

      making that change seems to have fixed the issue however now backup is failing due to error 48 "client host name could not be found". Archive backup is getting triggered with first name only not FQDN and i think changing client name to FQDN will fix that issue but i can not find where client name is mentioned in which script on client that i can change to FQDN, could you please suggest script and location where i should search for client name?

      OS and DB backups are running good with FQDN name. I can not make changes in master and media server host file.

      • quebek's avatar


        This is other issue and should have been opened as a new thread and this post marked as solved... right??

        But.... I would have checked the /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file to see what is the client name configured there... and then check the forward reverse DNS lookups if all is going hand in hand.... Playing with hosts file is not really welcome... as later on only more troubles are being faced... Please have your network team to properly manage DNS.