unable to login,status : 7656
Hello everyone
I have a problem and I ask for your help on this context.
I run the netbackup console and on the connection attempt I have an error with code 7656: The revocation status of the host certificate can not be verified using the Certificate Revocation List (CRL), because the CRL is not update. It is older than seven days.
Typing the command nbcertcmd -getCRL, I have error 5978 with the message Attempt to refresh certificate revocation list failed.
Thank you
Check if nbatd (NetBackup authentication) service is running, if it is stopped CRL will not get refreshed/updated. Start this service and try to get crl by using the command you stated.
If that doesnt help, then review "nbcert" logs (<Install_path>\netbackup\logs\nbcert OR /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/nbcert).
As a last resort you will have to open support case with Veritas as troubleshooting for this issue is very extensive.