Forum Discussion

JHeaton's avatar
Level 6
14 years ago

Status 59 for a Novell client

NBU - 7.1 Capacity

Client - 6.5.2 on Netware


I know the basics of troubleshooting this, but I need to know where on a Netware client the log file would be, showing what the client sees as the server name coming in.  Once I have that, I can add that name in the bp.ini file.


Can anyone help?


As always, all help is greatly appreciated.

  • Please ask the "the person setting this up" to share bp.ini

    *** EDIT ****

    I found the following on a novell forum:

    (The problem was actually with NBU and not BE)

    > Fixed it... add a resolv.cfg in sys:etc. it should look like this:
    > domain
    > nameserver <ip of nameserver>
    > nameserver <ip of nameserver>
    > once you do this, down and reload the server.

    also: I found that you have to add an entry for your backup server in

    looks like this:
    <ip of backup server> [FQDN of backup server] [name of server]
    ex: netbackup

    down, reload server and everything should be ok!

8 Replies

  • NBU for NetWare Client Administrator's Guide :


    Using log files
    During installation of the NetWare Client, log folders are created in the SYS:\VERITAS\NBUCLT\NETBACK\LOGS directory. NetBackup will generate troubleshooting logs and place these logs in the following folders:

    Log files in this folder have information useful for troubleshooting communications between your NetBackup client and the NetBackup server. Log files are in the format mmddyy.log.

  • Thanks Marianne,


    Here's the entry from the log file:

    13:06:37: [2212.2217] <2> bpcd_vnetd_connection_listener: Caught a vnetd connection attempt (11) port 13724.
    13:06:37: [2212.2217] <2> bpcd_vnetd_connection_listener: sent old version flag.
    13:06:38: [2212.2423] <2> bpcd::bpcd_accepted_state: BPCD - Starting process
    13:06:42: [2212.2423] <16> dtcp_peervalidate: TCP - failure: gethostbyname( (TCP 1: Unknown error)
    13:06:42: [2212.2423] <4> bpcd::bpcd_validate_state: INF - attempt to validate server as (err = 1)
    13:06:42: [2212.2423] <16> bpcd::bpcd_validate_state: ERR - remote host is not a valid server
    13:06:42: [2212.2423] <2> bpcd::bpcd_exit: FTL - BPCD EXIT STATUS 46
    13:06:42: [2212.2423] <2> bpcd::bpcd_exit: BPCD - EXIT - status = 46
    13:06:42: [2212.2423] <2> bpcd::bpcd_shutdown_state: BPCD - Finished process


    I've not seen the "ERR - remote host is not a valid server" before.  I spoke with the person setting this up, and he said he put the in the bp.ini as the master server, I've verified a forward and reverse lookup entry for the server in his DNS.  I'm not sure what to check next.

  • Please ask the "the person setting this up" to share bp.ini

    *** EDIT ****

    I found the following on a novell forum:

    (The problem was actually with NBU and not BE)

    > Fixed it... add a resolv.cfg in sys:etc. it should look like this:
    > domain
    > nameserver <ip of nameserver>
    > nameserver <ip of nameserver>
    > once you do this, down and reload the server.

    also: I found that you have to add an entry for your backup server in

    looks like this:
    <ip of backup server> [FQDN of backup server] [name of server]
    ex: netbackup

    down, reload server and everything should be ok!

  • Wow.... gotta love Novell.


    Thanks soo much for your research Marianne.  I can't seem to find anything today.  I'll pass on the info, and let you guys know how it goes.

  • Hi all I have the same problem but I put the entry on etc/hosts on Netware and Master/media server but don't work

    I put the Required Interface and have the same problem


    Any Idea???





  • Check you bpcd log file. Ensure that the hostname resolved by the client is listed as a SERVER on the client.

  • I faced the same error on AIX platform..

    Just mistaken while updating host entries.. instead of hostname i put fqdn fo master server which cause this issue... 


    Check if host entries matches with your bp.conf if it mismatches that also causes connectivity issue...

    Also try to execute bpclntcmd from client to check client is able to resolve master server and vice-versa



  • I reboot the client and the comunication with Media Server and client work fine


    King for all

