Forum Discussion

Sharad_Singh7's avatar
9 years ago

Synthetic backup failing with error 87.


Hello All,

Synthetic backup is getting failed with error 87. Backup is using MSDP as storage unit. Below is the snippet of error:

06/20/2016 07:32:05 - Critical bptm (pid=20018) sts_close_handle failed: 2060011 offset invalid for object or context
06/20/2016 07:32:05 - Error bptm (pid=20018) cannot write image to disk, media close failed with status 2060011 
06/20/2016 07:32:11 - Info bptm (pid=20018) EXITING with status 87 <----------
06/20/2016 07:32:11 - Error WriteVirtualSynth::handleEndpointMsg (pid=25735) received EXIT message from writer parent with error status=media close error(87)
06/20/2016 07:32:11 - Error WriteVirtualSynth::giveEndpointStatus (pid=25735) received end point error = media close error(87)
06/20/2016 07:32:11 - Error PlanAdmin::actionDone (pid=25735) action failed, error=media close error(87)
06/20/2016 07:32:11 - Info bus05lw (pid=20018) StorageServer=PureDisk:bus05lw; Report=PDDO Stats for (bus05lw): scanned: 18362050 KB, CR sent: 0 KB, CR sent over FC: 0 KB, dedup: 100.0%, cache disabled
06/20/2016 07:32:26 - Error SynthJob::cleanup (pid=25735) end bpsynth with status = media close error(87)
Operation Status: 87


  • See if this helps:

3 Replies

  • Hey,

    try creating new netbackup backup policy, should resolve the issue.

  • Hello Marianne,


    We are not using client side deduplication. Meanwhile we have taken a traditional full backup that has completed successfully.

  • See if this helps: