Forum Discussion

sjvz's avatar
Level 3
9 years ago

tape drive shows active , but the ready column shows NO

This particular tape drive is not showing any drives loaded and the Ready column shows NO



/vmdareq -display

     bellows SCAN_HOST UP
     scooter UP
     fozzie UP
     bellows SCAN_HOST UP
     scooter UP
     fozzie UP
HP.ULTRIUM4-SCSI.005 - RESERVED on Mon Feb 29 06:07:54 2016
     bellows UP
     scooter UP
     fozzie UP


I dont know a thing about tape drives and all of the link in symantec/ veritas site point to old web pages that no longer work.

  • It look OK from my point of view. When READY = NO it means there is no tape loaded in the tape drive.

    There could be a configuration issues if the drive NEVER get loaded with tape. Take a look in backup prime time

  • You may find that a ape has actually been left in the drive, even though it is not "loaded"

    Try using robtest to see if there is a tape there and move it back to a slot


    select the TLD number

    s d (will Show Drives"

    If there is a tape in that drive use

    s s (to show slots .. and find and empty one)

    m d2 s7 (to move tape from Drive 2 to Slot 7)


    q (to exit)

    The drive should then UP (as i see it is mixed at the moment)

    Then run an inventory update to get NBU up to date

    See if that helps

  • It look OK from my point of view. When READY = NO it means there is no tape loaded in the tape drive.

    There could be a configuration issues if the drive NEVER get loaded with tape. Take a look in backup prime time

  • Bous info - FYI:

    When no backup are running (at all) , issue this command:

    # nbrbutil -resetAll

    see tech note:

    This command will delete old resource allocation not released - if any. Old resource allocation does not get deleted automatic - not even when server is rebooted.


  • Don't look at the 'Ready' column only. If you look on the left, you will se that this and a bunch of other drives are in MIXED status. This means that the drive is DOWN on one or more media servers. If you click on the drive, you will see which media server has DOWN'ed the drive. To troubleshoot DOWN drives, you need to add VERBOSE entry to vm.conf on all media servers followed by restart of ltid (NBU Device Manager service ). After double so, UP all DOWN'ed drives on all media servers. If drives go DOWN again, the reason will be logged in syslog on *nix media servers and in Event Viewer Application log on Windows media servers.