Forum Discussion

contra04's avatar
Level 5
13 years ago

Tape Library / Robot Changed now tapes with backups are imported as new

Ok basically we got a month end backup of all of our servers on Monday this week. After checking the Jobs, I saw that only one of the two drives on our PX502 was working, so I restarted the tape library. Massive mistake, now both of the magizines disappeared from the library web console, and from netbackup. I was trying the "s s" in robtest only to reveal 2 slots, not 38. No amount of reboots of either fellow could bring them back.

We had Quantum replace the entire unit, different library, different serial number, same tapes.  These tapes have our month end backups on them.

I noticed that the tapes media ID's we no lionger adhering to the "barcode is 8 long 1:2:3:4:5:6" rule - and the rule had changed to "barcode is 8 long 3:4:5:6:7:8" - How very strange? 

So I manaually changed the rule back to "barcode is 8 long 1:2:3:4:5:6", and re-ran the scan just on one slot:


Logically add new media CLU201 (barcode CLU201L3) to robot slot 18.
Update volume configuration?
Update failed: could not add new media ID 'CLU201' into slot 18
Insert media failed:
media ID not unique in database (34)
So then I thought that If our master (and) media server think that these are different tapes with the same barcodes in a new library, maybe it changed the rule on purpose to generate unique media ID's.
How do I tell Our media/ master server that our library has changed so that any tapes we put inside it are treated as the ones in the catalogue database?
I already have a restore that someone needs, and after getting everything working physically, I now have a logical problem that my limited NB prowess cannot solve.  I do have a call logged with symantec, however usually I get things fixed here first by the legendary community!
  • the barcodes differently to your original?

    Logically add new media CLU201 (barcode CLU201L3) to robot slot 18.

    Is the barcode for media CLU201 that NetBackup already knows (check in GUI) different from CLU201L3 that it's now being presented with? If so, then you'll need to change whatever setting on the library to match the original.

10 Replies

  • the barcodes differently to your original?

    Logically add new media CLU201 (barcode CLU201L3) to robot slot 18.

    Is the barcode for media CLU201 that NetBackup already knows (check in GUI) different from CLU201L3 that it's now being presented with? If so, then you'll need to change whatever setting on the library to match the original.

  • Three things to check here

    Firstly has the tape already been added using the worng rule so its media id is U201L3. If it has, and it hasnt been used yet then delete it from NetBackup and re-inventory the library. If it has been used put it to one side until it expires after which you can delete it, put it in the library to be added correctly and then bplabel it from a command line to overwrite the physical header.

    Next alternative is that is was previosuly known as having a bar code of CLU201. If this is the case then it wont add it as it wants to assign the same media id to a tape with a different bar code. In this case you need to go to the library GUI or interface and change you new library to use short bar codes (it reports back to NetBackup just CLU201 as the bar code). You would again then have to deal with any tapes that have been inserted in the new library - delete unused ones, put to one side any used ones ready for labelling.

    Third possibility - when the old library dissapeared the tapes were still in the library. Go to the Media Section at the top of the Admin Console so that all media are listed. Select all of the ones with a slot number showing, right click and select "Move" then move to standalone. Once the above two options have been checked re-inventory the library so that it is properly up to date.

    Hope this helps

  • To reply to you Andy:

    RobTest reports the same and correct barcodes. e.g CLU201L3

    For the last 6 years, on the old robot it read the barcodes as L3CLU201 - symantec seem to think they changed the default behaviour on one of the versions.  WE mustve installed the old tape library on version 4/5 back when the L3 at the front was the norm.

    So I guess the rule had not changed, just the way that netbackup added an L3.  It now defaults to the end of the barcode, not the beginning.  We have HUNDREDS of tapes with the L3 at the start, hence the 3:4:5:6:7:8 rule.  Not sure what to do now....

  • Thanks - Wazza04 is my collegue.


    I know think that the new quantum is treating the barcodes differently.  - possibly new firmware / new rules ? I am speaking to quantum now.

    I am asking symantec about possibly figuring out an sql script that can change the entire database of thousands of tapes to move the L3 to the end, as the new tape library will read them like that from now on.


    Any quantum experts?

  • As per my earlier post there is an option on the setup menu on the front of the library to use short or long bar codes - may well be this

  • Thanks Mark - is there a way to do this on the PX502 from the web console ? Its a long way to Tower Bridge from here! see picture

  • Ahh ok I think we can only do it on the unit:

    "Barcode swap Select the barcode swap to change the barcode 


    swap option (enable/disable). When enabled, the 
    media type prefix is swapped from the back of 
    barcode to the beginning" - Jackpot 
    However in the web menu, when ticking this box it gives an error:
    Creation of user partitions is disallowed for parallel SCSI and bridged hosted systems.
    So we are getting someone at the datacentre to try on the unit.  Thanks to all for helping. No thanks to the quantum technition who did not save out configuration before swapping the unit....
  • Hi

    You can do it in the Web GUI

    Go to Setup - Partitions - Select the Partition and at the bottom is the bar code swap setting

    The library will have to be off lined while you change this

    I see you have marked as solved but hope this helps

  • Hi Mark - that did not work, as I stated in the post above - 



    "However in the web menu, when ticking this box it gives an error:
    Creation of user partitions is disallowed for parallel SCSI and bridged hosted systems."
    It had to be done on the unit itself, and It did fix the issue.  Still some issues as it does not know which slots to move the tapes to, and we have to do manaully with the robot.  Hopefully this will fix over time
  • OK - good luck - the PX series are getting on a bit now and riddled with issues and very sensitive to being perfectly level in every direction

    May be worth looking for a trade-in for an i80 / i500 - much nicer libraries!