Forum Discussion

turguns's avatar
Level 5
11 years ago

Tape media server is not active,

Hello All,


    master/media server  : Redhat 2.6  Netbackup 7.1

    media server : solaris 9  Netbackup 6.5

one of the media server is not working.

I reconfigured the devices according to the procedure on documentation (device configuration). even I tried to forcelip the fc card.

tpconfig -l also showing devices properly.

After that from GUI (configure storage devices)  scanning the devices. appeared robots and drives.

But when I start the policy getting the following messages.

04/11/2014 12:42:41 - Info nbjm (pid=4067) starting backup job (jobid=408109) for client Geo-V890_1, policy cbossTest, schedule test
04/11/2014 12:42:41 - Info nbjm (pid=4067) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=408109, request id:{3E4A0814-C155-11E3-B4EB-7738B6035F5E})
04/11/2014 12:42:41 - requesting resource Geo-V890_1-hcart2-robot-tld-0
04/11/2014 12:42:41 - requesting resource nbumedia.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.Geo-V890_1
04/11/2014 12:42:41 - requesting resource nbumedia.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.cbossTest
04/11/2014 12:42:41 - awaiting resource Geo-V890_1-hcart2-robot-tld-0. Waiting for resources.
          Reason: Tape media server is not active, Media server: Geo-V890_1,
          Robot Type(Number): TLD(0), Media ID: N/A, Drive Name: N/A,
          Volume Pool: Svalka, Storage Unit: Geo-V890_1-hcart2-robot-tld-0, Drive Scan Host: N/A,
          Disk Pool: N/A, Disk Volume: N/A


Any suggestions ?


  • Thank you Mark and Marianne.

    Issue was solved.

    From dmesg I got the message about incorrect path for one of the tape drive .

    We tried to correct it..but no success..server is production. We cant reboot. I tried forclip the cards. No changes.. After that we deleted that drive and then it  started to work properly..

    Thank you for your suggestions..


4 Replies

  • When you go to the devices - media servers tab does it just say active for disk?

    If you right click it there and select to re-start the device manager service does it connect and will it re-start it - if it does re-start it does it then come active?

    If not setup bpcd logging on the master and that media server to see what it says - perhaps the master does not think it is a valid media server (it is in the master host properties - servers - media servers list isn't it?)

  • Have you verified that all required license are installed and working on this media server?

    Check for:

    Enterprise Server/Client license
    Library Based Tape drives
    If shared drives, SSO.

    If all checks out, try this command on the master:

    nbemmcmd -updatehost -machinename <media_server> -machinestateop set_tape_active -machinetype media -masterserver <master_server> 

  • Thank you Mark and Marianne.

    Issue was solved.

    From dmesg I got the message about incorrect path for one of the tape drive .

    We tried to correct it..but no success..server is production. We cant reboot. I tried forclip the cards. No changes.. After that we deleted that drive and then it  started to work properly..

    Thank you for your suggestions..


  •  media server : solaris 9  Netbackup 6.5

    This is simply bad news and seems to affect the rest of your environment.

    Neither Solaris 9 nor NBU 6.5 is supported anymore.
    No production application should be running on OS that is no longer supported!

    You really need to have a chat with system owners...