Forum Discussion

Mudabo1's avatar
Level 3
8 years ago

Tape Ownership

I have a Storage Unit Group that has 6 media server and Round Robin selection.   That means that when a tape is allocated, a media server is assigned (because each storage unit is setup to have the media server as the owner.)   This has caused many active tapes to be skipped over because the media server requesting the tape was not the media server owning the tape.    I turned Unrestricted Media sharing for all media servers, and it looks as though tapes are now being written to by all of the media servers.  Trouble is, I have 50 tapes in each library that are just sitting there active, and not full.   NBU is not appending to these tapes (space is not an issue).  My question is, Is there anyway I can change the owner of these legacy tapes to UNRESTRICTED_SHARING_GROUP, so NBU will then append them ?

  • On my unix systems, I can run a script and change the media owner, including the group.

    I select the tapes, then run a for i, do loop using command "bpmedia -movedb -m $i -newserver servername -newsvr_group All_Servers -oldserver servername"

    You do NOT need to change the server name, it will update the server group.

    I believe you can run a global command to change ALL the media owned by a media server, and update the server gourp this way.

4 Replies

  • Which retention level on tapes not being appended to?
    And which retention levels currently in use by Policy schedules?
  • Once backups on the tapes has expired, they will be become a member of UNRESTRICTED_MEDIA_SHARING group. They will fill - patience :-)

    • Genericus's avatar

      On my unix systems, I can run a script and change the media owner, including the group.

      I select the tapes, then run a for i, do loop using command "bpmedia -movedb -m $i -newserver servername -newsvr_group All_Servers -oldserver servername"

      You do NOT need to change the server name, it will update the server group.

      I believe you can run a global command to change ALL the media owned by a media server, and update the server gourp this way.