Track logs and renaming policy
We have track logs and accelerator enabled and have just succesfully completed backing up a Netbackup client with a massive amount of data We however need to rename the policy and was wondering how that will affect the track logs as the policy name is included in the location of the logs ... Or is it just a simple case of renaming the policy and then renaming the folder path of the track logs on the client to correspond to the policy name ??
Thanks for all your help
Now here's a thing - but i dont suggest you do it!!!
The dedupe catalog structure is \databases\catalog\2\client\policyname\
If you run the new policy with the new name it fails, but creates the new directory structure with just the _dirpo_ file in it.
If you then copy all files from \client\policyname to \client\newpolicyname\ then the accelerator backup works with the renamed track log
So the reason for the failure is that it needs to look in the correct place within the dedupe database for it to work
Of course for this to work means potentiall corrupting your de-dupe database!!!! SO DONT DO IT !!!
Just to explain that it is not just the policy name and the track log name that matters, it is the de-dupe database location too.
Hope this clarifies things