Forum Discussion

perez_cmz's avatar
Level 6
11 years ago

Unable to delete storage units; still associated with old versions of SLP

I'm trying to delete a couple of old storage units, but apparently they are still associated with older versions of the SLP.

I've come across , but do not understand the logic behind the command given as an example in ...

nbstl Example-SLP-Name  -modify_version -version 0 -residence stu_adv_example12,stu_disk_change-to14,__NA__

I've run the nbstl -L -all_versions command to find out what SLP, and which version these storage units were associated with.

In version 6 operation 1 of SLP1, I want to delete or replace storage_unit_1 with storage_unit_2.

Can someone please help me with what the command would be to accomplish this, in order to free up the storage unit to be deleted ?



  • OK - so based on relacing STU1 with STU2 for operation1 of version 6 (well all versions) of SLP1 I also need to know what other operations happen ... assuming that operation 1 is a backup and operation 2 is a duplication (to STU3) then the command would be:

    nbstl SLP1 -modify_version -version 6 -residence STU2,STU3

    If you have additional steps you need to add those in too seperating them with a comma.


4 Replies

  • Please show us the output of nbstl slpname -all_versions -U and tell us which storage unit is the wrong one (though you say it is version 6, but just want to confirm what it was and what it should be)  - we can then give you the command to change it


  • # nbstl US_NYK_DADO_to_US_STI_DADO_VM -all_versions -U
    nbstl: unrecognized option -U

    Exit status: 144(invalid command usage) - options provided are not compatible with the selected operation
    USAGE: nbstl [storage_lifecycle_name] [options]

  • OK - so based on relacing STU1 with STU2 for operation1 of version 6 (well all versions) of SLP1 I also need to know what other operations happen ... assuming that operation 1 is a backup and operation 2 is a duplication (to STU3) then the command would be:

    nbstl SLP1 -modify_version -version 6 -residence STU2,STU3

    If you have additional steps you need to add those in too seperating them with a comma.