Forum Discussion

Denda's avatar
Level 5
14 years ago

Unable to import 6.5.4 tapes into 7.0.1

Master/Media Server environment - VM's W2K8 / 7.0.1

Tape Media Server environment - Physical W2K3 / 7.0.1

I need to figure out why I cannot import my 6.5.4 backup tapes to my 7.0.1 environment. 

When I created the 7.0.1 environment, I created it from scratch, new hardware, clean install of 7.0.1.  I thought it would be a simple process to just import any tapes from the old 6.5.4 environment to the new, however I am coming against some challenges. 

Was under the gun a couple weeks ago and had to boot up our old 6.5.4 master server to restore some critical data which messed up our current environment and I just got that fixed, now another request has come in for data from last year... So.. now I am forced to figure this issue out once and for all.

I can successfully perform Phase 1 with the tapes (backup spans over 3 tapes).

Import phase 1 started 05/17/11 09:44:03
09:44:03 INF - Create DB information for media id NPZ311.
09:44:03 INF - Initiation of bptm process to phase 1 import media id NPZ311 was successful.
09:44:04 INF - Waiting for mount of media id NPZ311 on server hcinetbkup01 for reading.

09:44:32 INF - Creation of database information for import of media id NPZ311 complete.

Import phase 1 started 05/17/11 09:47:36
09:47:36 INF - Create DB information for media id NPS790.
09:47:36 INF - Initiation of bptm process to phase 1 import media id NPS790 was successful.
09:47:37 INF - Waiting for mount of media id NPS790 on server hcinetbkup01 for reading.

09:48:07 INF - Found existing image information for client hcisqlprod05, policy Tape_Daily_Backup_DMBI, and schedule Daily_Backup, done on 05/15/2011 04:00:05.
09:48:07 WRN - Cannot import client hcisqlprod05, policy Tape_Daily_Backup_DMBI, and schedule Daily_Backup, copy 1 fragment 1 already exists. Skipping this image.

09:48:07 INF - Creation of database information for import of media id NPS790 complete.

Import phase 1 started 05/17/11 09:48:41
09:48:41 INF - Create DB information for media id NPK779.
09:48:41 INF - Initiation of bptm process to phase 1 import media id NPK779 was successful.
09:48:41 INF - Waiting for mount of media id NPK779 on server hcinetbkup01 for reading.

09:49:11 INF - Creation of database information for import of media id NPK779 complete. 

Once I try to implement Phase 2, it states there are no images ready for Phase 2.  I have tried via the GUI as well as command line.

Differences?  Different media and master server than the original backup.

I can boot up the old environment again (6.5.4) and the restore works fine, so I know the tapes are OK.  Any ideas?

Thanks All!

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