Forum Discussion

Himanshu_Shar1's avatar
9 years ago

Unable to restore file and folders of VM backup

I'm getting error even when restoring files & folder. Even when the host entery is done in etc\hosts and i'm able to ping the server i'm trying to restore. I'm able to ping that machine as i have done host entries but havn't installed Netbackup agent on any VM. Can i restore VM data on backup server itself as i don't have agent installed on VM.


1/21/2016 10:57:49 AM - begin Restore
1/21/2016 10:57:50 AM - restoring image yum_server_1453401478
1/21/2016 10:57:50 AM - Info bprd(pid=5152) Restoring from copy 1 of image created 01/21/16 10:37:58 from policy VMware_R_test
1/21/2016 10:57:50 AM - requesting resource @aaaab
1/21/2016 10:57:50 AM - granted resource MediaID=@aaaab;DiskVolume=I:\;DiskPool=VMware_Backup;Path=I:\;StorageServer=sripsvbk1;MediaServer=sripsvbk1
1/21/2016 10:57:51 AM - Info bpdm(pid=2656) started            
1/21/2016 10:57:51 AM - started process bpdm (2656)
1/21/2016 10:57:51 AM - Info bpdm(pid=2656) reading backup image          
1/21/2016 10:57:51 AM - Info bpdm(pid=2656) requesting nbjm for media         
1/21/2016 10:57:51 AM - Info bpdm(pid=2656) using 30 data buffers         
1/21/2016 10:57:51 AM - Info bpdm(pid=2656) spawning a child process         
1/21/2016 10:57:51 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=2656) child pid: 2964          
1/21/2016 10:57:51 AM - Info bpdm(pid=2964) started            
1/21/2016 10:57:51 AM - started process bpdm (2964)
1/21/2016 10:57:51 AM - begin reading
1/21/2016 10:57:52 AM - end reading; read time: 0:00:01
1/21/2016 10:57:52 AM - Info bpdm(pid=2656) completed reading backup image         
1/21/2016 10:57:52 AM - Info bpdm(pid=2656) EXITING with status 0         
1/21/2016 10:57:52 AM - requesting resource @aaaab
1/21/2016 10:57:52 AM - granted resource MediaID=@aaaab;DiskVolume=I:\;DiskPool=VMware_Backup;Path=I:\;StorageServer=sripsvbk1;MediaServer=sripsvbk1
1/21/2016 10:57:53 AM - Error bpbrm(pid=1492) bpcd on yum_server exited with status 48: client hostname could not be found
1/21/2016 10:57:53 AM - Info tar32(pid=0) done. status: 48: client hostname could not be found    
1/21/2016 10:57:53 AM - Error bpbrm(pid=1492) client restore EXIT STATUS 48: client hostname could not be found  
1/21/2016 11:09:53 AM - restored image yum_server_1453401478 - (cannot connect on socket(25)); restore time 0:12:03
1/21/2016 11:09:53 AM - end Restore; elapsed time: 0:12:04
VMware policy restore error(2820)

  • You need a NetBackup Client installed inside the guest OS to be able to restore it.

12 Replies