Forum Discussion

Genericus's avatar
4 years ago

update retention level and recalculate all images?

I backup all my images to a data domain at retention 00 - set to 4 weeks. Then duplicate to tape at retention level 13 set to 8 weeks. I am tight on space on the data domain and want to set reten...
  • X2's avatar
    4 years ago

    I'm not able to understand something:

    Genericus wrote:

    Like "bpexpdate -recalculate -copy 1 -ret 00 -force" or "bpexpdate -recalculate -ret 00 -force"

    I am concerned this will SET all image copy 1 to retention 00 - which would be bad since I know I have tapes that have been recopied and are now copy number 1.

    Your backup to DD will create copy #1 on DD. The duplication from DD to tape will create copy #2 on tape.

    Are there some other images which are on tape and are copy #1?

    How about getting list of images on the DD using the folllowing and then changing the expiry date of those images only?

    bpimmedia -stype DataDomain -dp <POOLNAME> >/tmp/NBU_Images.txt

    Ref: bpimmedia 8.1.2



  • Genericus's avatar
    4 years ago

    So looks like i have a solution that is a combination of scripts - 

    1. for each tape in the data domain vtl - list the images and bpexpdate -recalculate -ret 00

    2. for each image in the bpimmedia -stype DataDomain  run the bpexpdate -recalculate -ret 00 

    NOTE - these take a long time to run. Then I have to clean the data domain to recover the space.