Forum Discussion

MikeSB's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago

Verify KMS Encryption NetBackup 7.5

I hope this helps others, I just spent the last 2 weeks searching around trying to find this answer.

Here are steps to verify KMS encryption on tapes with NetBackup 7.5;
Find the jobs on a particular tape you think may be encrypted;
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpimmedia -L -mediaid <media name>
get the "Backup-ID" in the first column
then run;
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpimagelist -backupid <Backup-ID> -L | grep "Flags:"
if tape is encrypted with KMS this will display;
" Flags: 0x40 (Tape Encrypted)"
and if tape is NOT encrypted this will display;
" Flags: 0x0"

  • Hi Mike,

    I JUST learned there's a defect in bpimmedia which you might be hitting.  This entry is in the Release Notes (page 48):

    Etrack Incident: 2826378
    ■ Description:
    A missing Key Management Server tag in the bpimmedia output has been added.

    NetBackup Release Notes

    Is there any chance you could apply  (If not, there may be an EEB available under Etrack 2793446 depending on which version you're at.)  I believe your "0" will change to a real tag after that, which would make a little more sense, now that I think about it...

15 Replies

  • Chris,

    It now works as advertised!!

    Thanks for the feedback.



  • yes

    I'm just sorry I couldn't tell you this two weeks ago!

  • Hello To all,


    I got this same issue with the KMS and I applied the service maintenance 7.5.04 and I still have this issue related with the "0" result on the the Encription Key tag Gui, so in my case updating to this latest maintenance pack didn't work, I have already opened a ticket with Symantec support but so far no help was provided, what else can be done to resolve this issue?


    in case that any screen shot needs to be uploading for more reference please let me know.


    thanks in advance for any help you could provide

  • RReyes76,

    Did you test some of the other steps in the Tech Docs above, to verify you really are setup for encryption, first test is the commands I had listed in this original thread, should also work in Windows (except the grep command)

    and the 2nd thing to test is outlined in the TechDoc Chris had first posted, it involved deactivating the KMS key (do not delete) and test a restore, if restore still works, then for some reason your KMS install is not fully setup.

    Let me know if you need the Step by Step for the KMS setup.



  • Windows GUI may still be an issue even at  Tell your TSE you think you may need the EEB listed under Etrack 2962480 and send them your screen shot.