Forum Discussion

David_Bowlby's avatar
11 years ago

VMWare Backups Fail with status 11

I have several VMWare backups that fail with a status 11 code.  I have tried multiple media servers, with a few correcting the issue, and others not.  i currently backup around 250 vm's with only 3 or 4 of them that error out with the status 11.  here is a copy of the detail status.  Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. 


11/5/2013 9:06:42 AM - Info nbjm(pid=3352) starting backup job (jobid=509225) for client VAJBRDEV01, policy VMWare_Store_LAB, schedule Full  
11/5/2013 9:06:42 AM - estimated 0 Kbytes needed
11/5/2013 9:06:42 AM - Info nbjm(pid=3352) started backup (backupid=VAJBRDEV01_1383664002) job for client VAJBRDEV01, policy VMWare_Store_LAB, schedule Full on storage unit PNNDD01
11/5/2013 9:06:42 AM - started process bpbrm (29700)
11/5/2013 9:06:48 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=29700) VAJBRDEV01 is the host to backup data from     
11/5/2013 9:06:48 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=29700) reading file list from client        
11/5/2013 9:06:48 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=29700) starting bpbkar32 on client         
11/5/2013 9:06:48 AM - connecting
11/5/2013 9:06:48 AM - connected; connect time: 00:00:00
11/5/2013 9:06:50 AM - Info bpbkar32(pid=22692) Backup started           
11/5/2013 9:06:50 AM - Info bptm(pid=14176) start            
11/5/2013 9:06:50 AM - Info bptm(pid=14176) using 262144 data buffer size        
11/5/2013 9:06:50 AM - Info bptm(pid=14176) setting receive network buffer to 1049600 bytes      
11/5/2013 9:06:50 AM - Info bptm(pid=14176) using 30 data buffers         
11/5/2013 9:06:51 AM - Info bpbkar32(pid=22692) CONTINUE BACKUP received.          
11/5/2013 9:06:54 AM - Info bptm(pid=14176) start backup           
11/5/2013 9:06:54 AM - Info bptm(pid=14176) backup child process is pid 13288.7164       
11/5/2013 9:06:54 AM - Info bptm(pid=13288) start            
11/5/2013 9:06:54 AM - begin writing
11/5/2013 9:08:44 AM - Info bpbkar32(pid=22692) INF - Transport Type = nbd       
11/5/2013 9:41:08 AM - Error bptm(pid=13288) socket operation failed - 10054 (at child.c.1296)      
11/5/2013 9:41:15 AM - Error bpbrm(pid=29700) could not send server status message       
11/5/2013 9:41:16 AM - Critical bpbrm(pid=29700) unexpected termination of client VAJBRDEV01        
11/5/2013 9:41:17 AM - Error bpbrm(pid=29700) cannot send mail to    
11/5/2013 9:41:18 AM - Info bpbkar32(pid=0) done. status: 11: system call failed       
11/5/2013 9:41:18 AM - end writing; write time: 00:34:24
system call failed(11)
  • This issue was extremly slow storage that the servers sit on.  Discussed with the business units, and they decided since this was a test lab they will backup their own systems. 

4 Replies

  • Please verify this below technote for

    Error bptm socket operation failed - 10054


  • also please verify this:

    1)AS you are using NBD as the backup method, try to switch to using SAN to avoid the Network/IO related issues in the environment and test it.

    2)plz verify the availability of the space on the Virtual Machine (Client) at time of backup and if reqd extend the disk space.


    Plz let us know on the netbackup version and patch levels

  • Netbackup Version: for all media servers and the master server

    Windows OS:  Server 2008 R2 for all media servers and the master server.


    Things i tried per the recommended solutions

    1. San backup method, this failed with a status 6, i believe i am not zoned to the storage for those particular vm's.  on this i am working to have one of the storage admins to zone me to the storage that these machines are on. 

    2. Set: netsh int tcp set global netdma=disable on the physical media server and re-ran the backup.


    11/5/2013 12:43:30 PM - Info nbjm(pid=3352) starting backup job (jobid=510219) for client VAJBRDEV01, policy VMWare_Store_LAB, schedule Full 
    11/5/2013 12:43:30 PM - estimated 0 Kbytes needed
    11/5/2013 12:43:30 PM - Info nbjm(pid=3352) started backup (backupid=VAJBRDEV01_1383677010) job for client VAJBRDEV01, policy VMWare_Store_LAB, schedule Full on storage unit PNNDD01
    11/5/2013 12:43:30 PM - started process bpbrm (28224)
    11/5/2013 12:43:35 PM - connecting
    11/5/2013 12:43:35 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=28224) VAJBRDEV01 is the host to backup data from    
    11/5/2013 12:43:35 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=28224) reading file list from client       
    11/5/2013 12:43:36 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=28224) starting bpbkar32 on client        
    11/5/2013 12:43:36 PM - connected; connect time: 00:00:01
    11/5/2013 12:43:37 PM - Info bpbkar32(pid=3908) Backup started          
    11/5/2013 12:43:37 PM - Info bptm(pid=220) start           
    11/5/2013 12:43:37 PM - Info bptm(pid=220) using 262144 data buffer size       
    11/5/2013 12:43:37 PM - Info bptm(pid=220) setting receive network buffer to 1049600 bytes     
    11/5/2013 12:43:37 PM - Info bptm(pid=220) using 30 data buffers        
    11/5/2013 12:43:38 PM - Info bpbkar32(pid=3908) CONTINUE BACKUP received.         
    11/5/2013 12:43:41 PM - Info bptm(pid=220) start backup          
    11/5/2013 12:43:42 PM - Info bptm(pid=220) backup child process is pid 25192.5876      
    11/5/2013 12:43:42 PM - Info bptm(pid=25192) start           
    11/5/2013 12:43:42 PM - begin writing
    11/5/2013 1:27:19 PM - Error bpbrm(pid=28224) could not send server status message      
    11/5/2013 1:27:21 PM - Critical bpbrm(pid=28224) unexpected termination of client VAJBRDEV01       
    11/5/2013 1:27:21 PM - Error bpbrm(pid=28224) cannot send mail to       
    11/5/2013 1:27:23 PM - Info bpbkar32(pid=0) done. status: 11: system call failed      
    11/5/2013 1:27:23 PM - end writing; write time: 00:43:41
    system call failed(11)






  • This issue was extremly slow storage that the servers sit on.  Discussed with the business units, and they decided since this was a test lab they will backup their own systems.